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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ladies Joust

Throwing down her gauntlet to the French Lady knight, the German Lady knight laughed at her and boasted, how easy she'll defeat her opponent. When the French knight won the joust she thought that she won't be satisfied just with German's admitting defeat


  1. A spanking is always welcome
    bottoms up

  2. War of The Roses and Joust Desserts

    "I learned from a caring, strict, Good Lady, myself at a young age; that a proper spanking means a firm, hard hand on a bare, soft bottom, Miss Kruger" said the most victorious, fierce, Strict Madame Brenda.

    "No my girl, Boo-Hoo! I sure am not gonna spank through your under armour, because it was not your under armour that misbehaved. Oh my! And when I get you back to the castle, I am gonna take my crafted, Royal French cane to your unprotected, lily white marshmallow-botty! Raw Hide!!"
    Strict Mommy Brenda xx
