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Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Best Choice

"Oh, nein! Please, Herr Morris! Not the cane!"

"Oh, I see you're quite familiar with British discipline, Miss Krüger? Good! In this case you should know, that the cane is always the Best choice to deal with a naughty German au pair girl like you!"


Monday, July 8, 2024

Double Trouble

The full moon's light fell on the old castle on the hill. In its rays Livonna's grey fur was looking almost gold. She sobbed and hugged weeping Ninel tightly. Redhead girl whimpered and hugged she-werewolf back.

"Those vile cultists and their damned paddles!" Livonna sobbed. "Does your bottom hurt very bad, my friend?" she gently rubbed Ninel's bright red bottom.

"Well, let's just say, I'd prefer to stay on my feet at least till down..." Ninel blushed a bit. "And you, Liv? Your howling was so plaintive!"

She-werewolf blushed. "Oh, don't worry, I hate to admit it, but because of my mistress Dame Athanasia I'm almost used to such a punishments... Almost... Ouch! These cultist know too well, how to make their punishments hurt really terrible!"

Both girls wept, hugging.

"Well, at least it looks like they haven't found out, that we are not their cult's neophytes." Ninel smiled through her tears. "And that means, we still have a chance to stop their ritual!"

"In this case we need to move! We don't have much time!" Livonna wept her tears.

Suddenly the earth quacked. Ninel and Livonna gulped in fear and turned to the window. A large cloud of purple smoke raised over the graveyard.

"Oh, Darkness! They did it! They summoned the Great Old One!" Livonna gasped in panic.

"Dank farrik! We lost..." Ninel whimpered.

"Maybe, we still have a little chance." Livonna sighed. "Maybe that book, which the high priest not to be described used for this ritual, also contains some spells or another ritual to banish this god or whatever it is back to it's damned demention?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure we need to try!" Ninel nodded.

The girls whimpered and hugged, thinking, how to turn the dark ritual back.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Blistered at the Bank

The bawling blonde, pleading for mercy, shouted, “I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY!”
   Gently tapping a wooden ruler on the blonde’s big bottom, currently the same shade as an Arizonan sunrise, her boss at the bank, a full figured redhead, with eyes as green as a Irish glade, replies icily, “Don’t apologize to me, Belinda, apologize to the man you were so rude to this morning.”
   “I’m sorry, Mr. Baxter, for being rude to you. Please ask Miss Williams to stop spanking me. I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll NEVER be disrespectful to you again. Or ANY other customer.”, Belinda said to the man watching her get her bare bottom blistered.
    Waiting for Mr. Baxter, a handsome dark haired man in his early forties, to reply, Miss Williams noticed the bulge straining to be released from his tight pants. He was clearly enjoying watching her burning up Belinda’s buns. GOOD! His company was her bank’s biggest client, with over a million dollars in his account. She would do anything to keep him happy.
   As much as he was enjoying the show, based on the shade of her bubble butt, he had to agree with Belinda, she was one well spanked girl. “I believe Belinda learned her lesson, Miss Williams. You can stop spanking her now.”
     “Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Baxter”, Belinda said, tears running down her cheeks, before flying off of Miss Williams’ lap. Once on her feet, Belinda began to hop from foot to foot, rubbing her red hot rear furiously.
     After trying in vain to rub out the fires consuming her beet red rear, Belinda turned towards Mr Baxter and said, “I mean it, Mr. Baxter. I know I deserved that spanking. I am truly sorry for being so rude to you. I’ve … been having a hard time lately. Today was really bad. But I shouldn’t had taken it out on you. Please forgive me.”
    Wiping the tears from Belinda’s big blue eyes, with his handkerchief, Mr. Baxter felt guilty, for enjoying watching the pixie faced German girl getting her ass tore up. “I’m .. sorry to hear that, Belinda. If you would like to talk about that, I get off of work today at five. I could drop by here then, and take you out to dinner. I know a exclusive restaurant I think you would love. They have the best steaks in town.”
    “Yes, I would love to have dinner with you.”, Belinda said smiling, even as she was still rubbing her steaming butt cheeks. “ I mean, IF I can sit down by five o’ clock.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Flea-bitten Loser

"AROOOOW!!!!" the howling accompanied by very loud slapping sounds could be heard all over the block. A few passers-by stopped to look around several times,trying to figure out, where are strange sounds coming from, but with no success most of them just shrugged their shoulders and moved on. Few of them understood, that a plaintive howl was coming right from an old pub, which had a very ambiguous reputation. There were rumours among the townsfolk that those pub was nothing more but a gangster den or something, but many people believed that usual customers there were not just a regular bandits, but supernatural creatures. And that was another reason not to try to eavesdrop, what is going on. Especially because announcement on the door was saying: "Tonight private party, admission strictly by invitation".

A tall and well-built young werewolf-woman was howling and bawling in pain, squirming and struggling over much littler vampire girl knee. The vampiress was holding her surprisingly strong by her tail, smacking her plump buttocks repeatedly by her strong hand.

"So, flea-bitten mutt, are you finally ready to tell me, who send you to my pub?" the vampiress asked, raising her hand for an another stroke. A bunch of nicely dressed vampires giggled, watching them. This she-wolf was quite bold in the beginning, after one of the waitress found out, that she is not a vampire as she tried to pretend. Trying to break out from the pub, she not just shifted in her wolf-form, but even crashed few stools, broke some bottles and ruined an old poster with an autograph of a forgotten jazz singer on it. But the bouncers got her, and the pub owner decided to teach an unwelcome guest a good lesson herself.

"OWIEEE!!!" the werewolfess wept bitterly, wagging her terrible sore bottom and kicking her long legs. "Please, just let me go! OW!!! OW!!!"

"Not before you'll tell me everything I wish to know!" the vampiress said, giving the she-werewolf few more very painful strokes, making her scream and struggle.

"Okay! OW!!! OUCH!!! Okay! I am not send by anyone! OWIEEE!!! I swear! OUCH!!!!" the she-werewolf kicked her legs furiously, squirming and wagging her terrible sore bottom, trying to make the stinging sensation in her well-spanked buttocks easy even a bit.

"Bullshit! Tell me the truth!" the vampiress gave her an especially painful stroke, making her bawl so loud, that all the glasses started cracking. "Oh, it looks like you're giving me one more reason to spank your fat ass right to bones! Tell me the truth finally, or I'll spank you into to next week!"

"OWIEEE!!!! But I'm telling the... EEEYOOOW!!!! I'm promise! I swear! I'm not lying! I came here by my own! I hoped, if I'll find out something interesting about these vampires plans, my alpha will promote me in the pack..." she broke in tears.

"Oh, how sweet! A flea-bitten loser tried to spy on us just hoping, that it will help her to promote in her pack of losers! I'm sorry, but it looks like you lose again! Okay, wolfie, I believe you. And the interrogation is over. But now I need to punish you for this mess in my pub!" the vampiress looked at her customers. "Ladies and gentlemen, how many strokes of this lovely silver paddle deserves this werewolf-bitch for all the damage she had done? And the first of all - any strokes I already gave her don't count!"

Flea-bitten Loser

"AROOOOW!!!!" the howling accompanied by very loud slapping sounds could be heard all over the block. A few passers-by stopped to look around several times,trying to figure out, where are strange sounds coming from, but with no success most of them just shrugged their shoulders and moved on. Few of them understood, that a plaintive howl was coming right from an old pub, which had a very ambiguous reputation. There were rumours among the townsfolk that those pub was nothing more but a gangster den or something, but many people believed that usual customers there were not just a regular bandits, but supernatural creatures. And that was another reason not to try to eavesdrop, what is going on. Especially because announcement on the door was saying: "Tonight private party, admission strictly by invitation".

A tall and well-built young werewolf-woman was howling and bawling in pain, squirming and struggling over much littler vampire girl knee. The vampiress was holding her surprisingly strong by her tail, smacking her plump buttocks repeatedly with a massive metal paddle, which was literally burning poor wolf-girl's fur and skin - it was made from the silver. The vampiress held the paddle by it's rubber handle, so the hallow metal herself.

"So, flea-bitten mutt, are you finally ready to tell me, who send you to my pub?" the vampiress asked, raising the paddle for an another stroke. A bunch of nicely dressed vampires giggled, watching them. This she-wolf was quite bold in the beginning, after one of the waitress found out, that she is not a vampire as she tried to pretend. Trying to break out from the pub, she not just shifted in her wolf-form, but even crashed few stools, broke some bottles and ruined an old poster with an autograph of a forgotten jazz singer on it. But the bouncers got her, and the pub owner decided to teach an unwelcome guest a good lesson herself.

"OWIEEE!!!" the werewolfess wept bitterly, wagging her terrible sore bottom and kicking her long legs. "Please, just let me go! OW!!! OW!!!"

"Not before you'll tell me everything I wish to know!" the vampiress said, giving the she-werewolf few more burning strokes, making her scream and struggle.

"Okay! OW!!! OUCH!!! Okay! I am not send by anyone! OWIEEE!!! I swear! OUCH!!!!" the she-werewolf kicked her legs furiously, squirming and wagging her terrible sore bottom, trying to make the stinging sensation in her well-spanked buttocks easy even a bit.

"Bullshit! Tell me the truth!" the vampiress gave her an especially painful stroke, making her bawl so loud, that all the glasses started cracking. "Oh, it looks like you're giving me one more reason to paddle your fat ass right to bones! Tell me the truth finally, or I'll spank you into to next week!"

"OWIEEE!!!! But I'm telling the... EEEYOOOW!!!! I'm promise! I swear! I'm not lying! I came here by my own! I hoped, if I'll find out something interesting about these vampires plans, my alpha will promote me in the pack..." she broke in tears.

"Oh, how sweet! A flea-bitten loser tried to spy on us just hoping, that it will help her to promote in her pack of losers! I'm sorry, but it looks like you lose again! Okay, wolfie, I believe you. And the interrogation is over. But now I need to punish you for this mess in my pub!" the vampiress looked at her customers. "Ladies and gentlemen, how many strokes of this lovely silver paddle deserves this werewolf-bitch for all the damage she had done? And the first of all - any strokes I already gave her don't count!"

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Puritan

The beach was beautiful today. Jacky lazily strolled along the sandy shores enjoying the oven breeze. She loved how the wind caressed her body. She was wearing a red bikini and was enjoying the warm weather. The beach was full of people swimming and laying in beach chairs tanning in the sun. Jacky had a good tan and was proud of it. She spent much of her time keeping her body tan and muscular. She enjoyed the way it made her figure look. She knew she caught men's eyes with her fit body. She actually enjoyed being in a bikini, putting on a show for the men on the beach. At 30, Jacky considered herself a full woman and not some young girl. She knew about men and hated to see young women who tried to act like they knew it all. She knew that most of these women didn't know their vagina from their ass when it came to sex. Jacky, on the other hand, had a great respect for sex and the whole social aspect of it. She absolutely hated hearing about two people meeting up in a bar and after a night full of whiskey shots, drunkenly fucking and never seeing each other ever again. That was just not what people should do. Jacky believed that people shouldn't just use their body like a tool. She believed her body was her most prized earthly possession and one should respect it and treat it well. This result in her athletic build and her attitude toward women who were absolutely sex crazed. She had seen several women on her trip today who had hit her as such. One was scantily dressed and bending over in front of a group of male onlookers. Another had went to a changing booth on the beach and hadn't pulled the curtain shut when changing into her bikini top. Jacky considered these sort of women sluts. She eventually made it to the end of the beach and saw a sight that infuriated her. There in a beach chair was a blonde girl who was topless, showing her large boobs off to the whole beach. Several teen boys were gawking at the sleeping beauty. Jacky noticed a book sitting in the woman's beach bag. It was a German to English dictionary. This young woman wasn't even American! This infuriated Jacky. This German was putting on a show and she knew it. Jacky approached the sleeping girl. The blonde awoke right as Jacky got in front of her. She stretched her arms and yawned, then she said:

"It's a beautiful day, is it not?"

The woman's German accent was strong. Jacky said:

 "Just what do you think you're doing , laying here with your breast hanging for everyone to see!"

The German girl giggles and said:

"This is a new bikini and the top was pinching into my nipples . I decided that I would just take it off." 

"You didn't consider the idea of people seeing you. The fact there is a bunch of teen guys watching you put on a show doesn't bother you?!?"

The German turned and saw a small group of boys down the beach watching her. They had been admiring her all day. They had even used their phones to take plenty of pictures of the German and her large breasts.
The German turned to Jacky and said:

"It does not matter to me. I enjoy the attention. Do you think they would come over and help spread some tanning lotion on my back?"

Jacky was tired of this. She could see the German girls tits were standing straight up. She was looking over at the boys and waved slightly. Jacky walked over to the German and pinched one of her nipples to get her attention. The girl screamed as she tried to swat Jacky's hand off of her. Jacky only grabbed her in a hold and threw her to the ground in front of her beach chair. This stunned the German and gave Jacky just enough time to get herself positioned in the beach chair.
She reached for the German girl at her feet and grabbed her legs. She pulled the German girl's red bikini bottom down as the German struggled. The boys across the beech were enjoying the show. Once Jacky had the girls bikini off , she saw the German girls flip flops laying in the sand. They were just what Jacky was looking for. She grabbed one of the flimsy blue plastic shoes approached the German girl who was trying to crawl away in the sand.

The German girl screamed and struggled when Jacky grabbed her. She brought the plastic flip flop flying down onto the German's bottom. It crashed down with a loud pop that left a red mark on the German girl's pale bottom. She screamed and fought to escape, but she was no match for Jacky. She did, however, struggle enough to cause Jacky's bikini top to slip down . This revealed her pert titties to all the boys who were now watching the spanking. Jacky only smiled when she heard one of them say:

"Damn ! That woman in the red is whooping ass! Literally!"

there were also some:

"Look at those tits !"


"Damn she's fine!"

thrown in there from other boys. Jacky tanned the German girls' bottom.

"I bet this isn't the type of tan you were expecting to get on the beach!"

Jacky told the German as she continued to bring the flip flop raining down on the Germans bottom. The German girl was angrily fighting and yelping as each hit rained down. Jacky decided to stop only when the girls bottom matched the red on Jacky's swimsuit. Once the German girl's bottom did match, Jacky looked up and saw most of the men from the beach were surrounding them. Jacky looked down at her handiwork.
"Stand up!"

Jacky ordered. She stood up and Jacky bent the German girl over and made her touch her knees. She took her hands and spread the girls bottom to fully display the girl's pussy and tight virgin asshole. The onlookers all stared and some took photos. The German girl turned and angrily looked back at the people who were admiring her feminine physique.

"Who wants to take over spanking her for me? My arm is tired."

Every man's hand shot up into the air. The German girl scowled at the men. Soon Jacky sat in the beach chair and watched the men all get in line to get a chance to spank the girl's bottom. The line consisted of men of various ages holding various implements. Some had belts some had flip flops, and one strong looking man had a boat paddle.  Jacky sat there enjoying the breeze and the sun as she listened to the cries of the German girl and the sounds of the various implements hitting her bottom. Apparently the men, likewise thought the German should be punished for being such a tease. It would seem everyone agreed a good old American spanking was just the punishment this German girl needed.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

More Bad Luck

  “So, Belinda,” Professor Woodward said to the pretty pixie-face blonde sitting across from him, in his office, “You want to take the same test NOW that the rest of your class took Friday, the day you knew the test was scheduled to be given on? I may let you take the exam now, if you have a valid reason for missing class Friday. Do you?” 

   Hoping to create a believable alibi, the German girl noticed Dr Woodward had a photo of his collie sitting on his desk. THAT’S IT! “I’m so sorry, Dr Woodward, my dog, Gunther, got sick Thursday night. I was up all night with him, and then took him to the vet Friday morning.”
   “That IS a valid reason for missing class,” the professor replied, as he was scrolling through the photos on his phone, “But I have to ask you a question before I give you the test. Who is the girl in the photo taken at the big homecoming party given at The Browser House last Thursday? The blonde, who appears to be quite intoxicated, dancing in just her underwear?”
    Belinda was shocked when she saw the photo, Yes, that was HER. But who took this photo and who shared it with her history professor?
   “ I take it you recognize her? When you didn’t show up for class Friday, Crystal told me she had seen you at that party the night before. And shared that photo with me to prove it. So, instead of going to see the veterinarian,  I’m guessing you were too hung over Friday to attend my class. Is that true, Belinda?”
   CRYSTAL! That bitch had vowed revenge ever since Belinda went on a date with her boyfriend! Could Belinda help it if American boys found her irresistible? But what could she do about that now? Look as pitiful as possible and beg for forgiveness? 
    “ I … yes, that’s me in the photo. I know I it was stupid to go to a party, the night before the midterms. I regret that. That was a bad decision. I’m sorry I lied to you, but I need to pass your class, or I’ll lose my scholarship. Please, let me take a makeup test, Dr Woodward.” Belinda pleaded, with tears in her eyes. 
   “If you ask me, young lady,” Dr Woodward said coldly, giving Belinda a stern look, “What you need is to have your bottom blistered for not taking your classes more seriously and lying to your professor. Now, please leave my office, I have work to do”
    Belinda felt like her world was beginning to crumble. What would she do if she lost her scholarship? She didn’t have a job, and her scholarship paid for her rent. She would be broke and homeless. Far from home. Perhaps … yes, that may work …
   “Dr Woodward,” Belinda whispered, “You’re right. I do deserve a spanking. A long, hard spanking. If … you gave me one, could I take the test?”
       Belinda didn’t know it, but Dr Woodward had mentioned spanking, hoping Belinda would ask him to give her one, if she thought that was the only way he would allow her to makeup the test she missed. He had tried that same technique numerous times over the years. At this point, he had lost count of how many naughty coeds had left his office in tears, rubbing their throbbing, pepper hot posteriors. He had wanted to spank Belinda’s chubby butt ever since he first saw her.
       “Hmmm, … you DO definitely deserve a spanking. So, yes, I will. Just remember, this was YOUR idea, Belinda. Please remove your pants and panties, and lay across my lap,” Dr Woodward said as he moved his straight back chair into the center of his office.
        Belinda undressed nervously, slipping out of her sandals, and then her pants and lacy pink panties. Belinda hated spankings. But she had been punished before with paddles and switches, even a carpet beater. This old man, Belinda figured he had to be at least forty, was just going to spank her with his hand. How bad could that be?
       Belinda was about to find out just how bad a hand spanking from a determined man could be! Having spanked dozens of college girls’ bouncy bare butts, Dr Woodward was an expert now, in the fine art of bottom blistering.
        He loved to start out with slow and gentle slaps, giving his victims a false sense of security, before he gradually began to swing harder and faster, each smack harder than the last, until the girl’s bottom was boiling.
        When her professor began to spank her, Belinda smiled. His spanks felt more like gentle caresses than stinging slaps. He had no idea how to give a spanking! The old pervert just wanted an excuse to fondle her ass. This was going to be a lot easier than she expected. Or so she thought, until Belinda realized each spank seemed a little harder than the last. Until the sound of his hand crashing into her big butt sounded like fireworks exploding in his small office. Each sizzling, scorching swat adding fuel to the fire Dr Woodward was igniting all across Belinda bottom.
        Dr Woodward smiled devilishly, watching Belinda’s ample alabaster ass slowly turning pink, then reddening rapidly, as the German brat pleaded for mercy. After just a few minutes, blisters began to appear like magic all across Belinda’s ruby red rear. Dr Woodward loved knowing every time Belinda sat down for the rest of the week, she would think of him. To ensure that, he finished the bawling blonde”s spanking with a vicious volley of extra hard spanks to Belinda’s “ sit spots”.
        After telling Belinda, “I hope that’ll be a lesson to you, Belinda, to take your classes more seriously in the future.” Dr Woodward released the German girl. Belinda flew off of his lap, expecting to see Dr Woodward holding a paddle or a hairbrush, maybe even a blowtorch. God, he had a hard heavy hand! Belinda’s beet red rear was on FIRE! Belinda began to hop up and down, furiously rubbing her blazing burgundy butt, moaning pitifully.
         THIS was the professor’s favorite part of the punishment. Watching a pretty coed prance around his office after her spanking, her hands clutching her candy apple red rear. God, he loved watching college girls doing the “spanking dance”.
       After giving Belinda a minute to calm down, Dr Woodward sat a wooden stool in front of his desk, placed a copy of the test in front of it, and then forced Belinda down on to the stool. The second Belinda’s bare bottom came in contact with the hard wooden stool, she shot back up, shouting, “AUSCH! That hurts!”
      “Belinda,” Dr Woodward said sternly, “Like the rest of the class on Friday, you only have thirty minutes to complete this exam. I would advise you to stop wasting time and begin the exam right now.”
        Belinda said, “Yes, sir”, and tried to sit down as gingerly as possible. As carefully as you could sit down on a red hot stove, which is exactly how Belinda felt.
        Dr Woodward smiled, watching Belinda squirm. Walking behind her, he decided to remove her pants and underwear from the floor, where she had dropped them, and place them neatly in a chair. Picking up the pants, a piece of paper fluttered out of her back pocket. Picking it up, Dr Woodward saw it was … THE ANSWERS TO THE TEST BELINDA WAS CURRENTLY TAKING! She must had planned on slipping this cheat sheet out of her pocket, when he wasn’t looking.
       Behind her, Belinda was surprised to hear Dr Woodward removing his belt.
        “Young lady,” she heard him say angrily, “I think I need to have another ‘little talk’ with you.”
                                                    THE END

Friday, June 7, 2024

Sunburned Lifeguar

"AUA!!! Mein Popo! AUA!!! AU!!! But everyone can see! AUA!!!"

"Oh, what's the matter? When you was sleeping on the job you didn't care about someone can see you? And this is not the first time, huh? Well, I'm about to teach you and everyone around a little lesson in responsibility!"


Monday, May 27, 2024

Big Bottom Blues

      Belinda’s three coworkers were watching her like a hawk when she arrived for work Friday morning. The pretty pixie faced blonde tried to sit down at her desk as gently as possible, but the second her badly bruised bottom landed on her chair, she let out a tiny squeal of pain, causing her three coworkers to laugh uproariously. But Belinda didn’t blame them, every woman at that accounting firm had been paddled by their boss, Rhonda Grey, before, and they all teased each other afterwards.
       Rhonda was a fair but strict boss, and Belinda and her coworkers never felt like they were ever punished unjustly. Until yesterday. Belinda had accidentally logged into the company’s private account, instead of their business account, when Rhonda came flying out of her office, enraged, shouting at Belinda that she was the only one in that office allowed to view the company’s private account. The pretty German girl apologized profusely, saying she had done it accidentally, and had logged back out the second she realized her mistake. Rhonda still marched Belinda into her office, and gave her bare bottom six blistering swats with her wicked paddle. Belinda left her office bawling like a baby, her butt burning well into the night.
        Belinda was a curious girl, and wondered why that had upset Rhonda so badly. Since Rhonda wasn’t due in that day until after lunch, Belinda decided to sneak back into the company’s private account, looking for an explanation for why Rhonda had acted like she had yesterday. Fifteen minutes later she found what she was looking for. Somebody had placed a large sum of the company’s funds into an account Belinda had never seen before. Doing an online search, she found that company didn’t exist. Someone had funneled the company’s funds into a bogus account. And since Rhonda was the only one allowed to use that account, Belinda knew who the culprit was.
        What should she do about that? Report her findings to the police? Call Roger Grey, the owner of the company and Rhonda’s husband, and tell him what she just discovered? Deciding on a course of action, Belinda smiled wickedly.

   When Rhonda arrived to work, Belinda confronted her in her office. Rhonda denied knowing anything about that transaction, and threatened to fire Belinda, until Belinda showed her a stack of papers she had printed out that proved she was telling the truth. Feeling trapped, Rhonda confessed she had used that money to pay off her credit card debt. At that point, Belinda offered her boss a choice, Belinda would call Rhonda’s husband and tell him about that, or Belinda could give her a bare bottom paddling, with her own paddle. A paddling, Belinda promised her, would leave her big butt blistered and bruised for days. Rhonda fearfully and reluctantly, chose the paddling, but only if Belinda promised her she wouldn’t call her husband, and if she would wait until her coworkers went home.
    At 5:30, Belinda was smiling satanically, Rhonda’s huge wooden paddle in her hand. Rhonda was laying across her desk, saying a silent prayer, when Belinda began to gently tap her bare bottom with the same paddle Rhonda had sat so many asses on fire with. Rhonda’s butt cheeks reminded Belinda of two super-sized scoops of vanilla ice cream. Belinda chuckled, thinking about how soon they would look like two scoops of strawberry ice cream, and then, cherry. Holding the paddle with both hands, like a baseball player on the mound, Belinda let fly with a powerful swing, the wind whistling through the holes drilled down the surface of the paddle. The crash was deafening in the small office, followed by a even louder cry from Rhonda. Rhonda flew off of her desk, her hands rubbing the burning band of red Belinda had just branded across the center of her rear. Rhonda had never been spanked before, much less paddled, and she couldn’t believe how painful a single paddle swat was. And the fire that followed. No wonder the girls in the office feared her paddle.
    Belinda ordered Rhonda back across her desk, and fired another ferocious swat deep into Rhonda’s big booty, causing her butt cheeks to shake like jelly. Another glowing red welt appeared below the first, but the majority of Rhonda’s chunky cheeks were still ghostly white. Belinda planned on painting Rhonda’s entire ass crimson, even if her arm was sore by the time she was finished, but not as sore as Rhonda’s rear would be.
    After a series of sizzling strikes, each burning hotter than the last, Belinda finished her devastating assault on Rhonda’s ample ass cheeks, by swinging the paddle upwards, landing forcefully where Rhonda’s bottom blended into her upper thighs, her “sit spots”, to ensure Rhonda wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for days.
   Given permission to rise from her desk, Rhonda began to hop from foot to foot, shouting, “MY ASS IS ON FIRE!” while tears streamed down her face, her hands gently caressing the welts and blisters Belinda had decorated her derrière with. Running into the bathroom, she soaked papers towels in cold water, and tenderly held them against her scorching hind quarters, the damp towels doing little to quench the fires raging all across her charbroiled butt cheeks.
     Returning to her office, she found Belinda sitting in her chair, still holding her paddle, smiling like The Cheshire Cat. “I won’t forget this, you German brat, the next time I have a reason to paddle you!” Rhonda said angrily. “I’m sure you won’t forget that paddling …. EVERY time you try to sit down for the rest of the month!” Belinda giggled, giving Rhonda’s big ass a final slap, before leaving the office, whistling a happy German drinking song.
    Rhonda returned to her desk, and attempted to sit down, before quickly realizing that was a horrible mistake. That blonde bitch was right, she wouldn’t be able to sit down for days. But, at least, she was thankful Belinda hadn’t called her husband. Roger would had been furious if he knew she had used his company’s funds to pay off her credit card debt.

       Belinda had kept her word. She hadn’t called Rhonda’s husband, Roger. She sent him a text instead. Explaining to him what she had discovered. And adding how Rhonda had agreed to let Belinda paddle her, if she didn’t call him. A paddling Belinda felt like Rhonda deserved, for paddling her unjustly yesterday.
       Roger texted her back, that he was appalled to find out his wife had paddled employees who worked for a company he owned, and promised Belinda that would never happen again. He agreed that Rhonda deserved a paddling, and if Belinda gave her a good long hard paddling, he would give her a raise. And when his wife got home, he may have a “talk” with her, too. With his thick leather belt doing most of the talking. Belinda, a naughty girl who was an expert on getting spanked, added if he wanted to make a last impression on his wife, he should use a switch.
        After an extremely painful ride home, Rhonda pulled into her garage. Exiting her car, she gave her still burning bottom a good rub, wishing she could go into her house, lay across her bed, with an ice pack planted on her boiling backside, and have a good cry, but how would she explain to her husband why her usually alabaster ass was currently a deep dark magenta, slowly fading into shades of purple and black? Besides, Roger had made reservations for them to eat out tonight. She hoped it wasn’t to a restaurant with hard wooden seats. Damn, that German bitch spanked HARD! At least she could take a shower before they went out. An icy cold shower! Hopefully that would snuff out the fires still raging all across her tortured tushy.
       Rhonda was shocked when she opened the front door to her house and found her husband standing there, glowering at her angrily, with a thick black leather belt in one hand, and a pairing knife in the other. The perfect knife for cutting switches.
                                                         THE END

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Saddle Sore

"AUTSCH!!! AUA!!! Mein Popo! AUA!!!"

"Hold still, Krüger! If you won't listen to me, I'll drive my words in your head the other way!"

"AUTSCH!!! But how do you... AUA!!! AUTSCH!!! How do you expecting me to ride after this?! AUTSCH!!! AUA!!!"

"That is not my problem! And if you will fail, we will start this over again!"

"AUTSCH!!! Mein Gott! AUTSCH!!!!"

Friday, May 10, 2024


Returning home from a meeting of The Witches Council, Samantha Stephens was shocked to see her husband spanking her cousin Serena’s bare bottom.


Smiling wickedly at his beautiful wife, while continuing to whale away at Serena’s rapidly reddening rear with his hand, Darren replied, “While waiting for you to return home, Serena came down with a bad bout of the witch’s flu, and lost her powers. So I thought this was the perfect time to give this wicked witch what she’s deserved for years.”

Watching Darren turn her cousin’s rear cherry red, Samantha recalled all of the times Serena had pretended to be her, hoping to destroy her marriage to a man Serena hated, simply because he was a mortal. Smiling mischievously, Samantha twitched her nose, and a large oval oaken hairbrush appeared in her husband’s hand.

“HEY, A HAIRBRUSH!” Darren proclaimed merrily, “Thanks, Sam, that’s just what I needed, my hand was getting sore.”

“YOUR HAND? What about my … OW!” Serena yelped, when Darren blasted the heavy hairbrush into her already burning bottom, causing the fires already raging there to increase in their intensity, until the dark haired witch’s butt was boiling and blistering.

Darren continued to pepper Serena’s posterior with his hairbrush until the howling troublemaker’s ass was a deep dark shade of burgundy, and Serena was begging for mercy. Satisfied that her naughty cousin had learned a long overdue lesson, Samantha twitched her nose again, and Serena disappeared from across her husband’s lap to reappear sitting, still bare bottomed, on a wooden stool at the Stephens’ kitchen table.

“YEOW!” Serena shouted, leaping off of the stool, her hands flying to her roasting rear.

Before she was allowed to give her bottom much of a soothing rub, Samantha chanted:

“Oh, Great Horned One and Bela The Bat,

The Midnight Man and The Golden Ghoul,

Please make this naughty brat,

Unable to move from her stool.”

Serena was instantly returned to the stool, unable to stand back up. “Please release me from your spell, Samantha, my butt is on fire and sitting on this stool really REALLY hurts.” Serena pleaded.

“Oh, I’ll release you from my spell …”, Samantha said, smiling sweetly, as a stack of paper and a pen magically appeared in front of Serena, “AFTER you write a thousand times ‘I’ll never impersonate Samantha again.’ “

“Living with mortals has turned you into a real meanie, Cuz!” Serena pouted, as she picked up the pen.

A hour later, Serena was still writing her lines, feeling like she was sitting on a bed of red hot coals, while Darrin and Samantha watched her delightfully, sitting on their big comfy couch, drinking martinis, too far from Serena to notice her smile sinisterly, or to hear her whisper, “You may be laughing now, but once I recover from the witch’s flu, and get my powers back, I won’t be the only one in this house with a blistered bottom.”

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Handsome and the Beast

"Is that him, milady?" Livonna asked, sniffing air and pricking her ears up. "Really handsome one!" she smiled wistfully, looking at young blond elf in green suit.

"It doesn't matter, if he is handsome or ugly!" Dame Athanasia shook her head. "As I already said, he is the keeper of the runic key I need. Well, we need."

"And what's the problem, milady?" Wolffang smirked. "Easy peasy lemon squeezy! All we need is just to sneak into his house and find that key, right?" she put her hand on the bunch of master keys under her apron.

"The problem is, we don't know, where in his house the key is hidden, my dear burglar," Dame Athanasia slapped orcess's butt. "And if we will blow up the dark, searching his house through, he will find out, that somebody stole the key too quickly. No. We need to find another way."

"Maybe you will just subjugate him by your bite, milady?" Kajira asked, straightening her pointed hat. "And then you will easily make him tell you everything you need to know and after that - to forgot, that he even saw you."

"Elven blood is too tasty for mine kind," Dame Athanasia sighed. "I'm not sure, if I will be able to control myself enough not to drain him over. And if I'll turn him into vampire, that will break all our conspiracy. But I have a better idea. Wolffang, Livonna, you two should track his usual routes. Kajira, prepare our wolf-girl's clothes, please."

"What do you have in mind, milady?" Livonna looked at her mistress in confusion.

"Since we can't just invade his house and blow up the dark searching for the key, you will get it for me." Dame Athanasia patted werewolf-girl's head. "You will turn into your human form and befriend with this elf. Your wolfish sense of smell will help you to find the key, when you'll became the welcome guest in his house. And if you'll find out, that there are any magic traps, you'll find the way to let Kajira in, so she'll help you." she patted Livonna's head once again. "I'm sure, you'll succeed, my fair beast!"

Few days later, in the evening a three pretty young women, two dressed as a philistines and one - as an aristocrat, were walking down the street. One of them, a beauty with a wolfish grey hair, stopped and sniffed air.

"He is coming!" she whispered, turning to her companions.

Dame Athanasia nodded contentedly.

"Excellent! Livonna, dear, stay here. Wollfang!" she turned to the orcess. "Get ready!" the vampiress stepped behind an arch, hiding in shadows. Wolffang put her hand on the saber hilt. Few minutes later they heard foot steps approaching. Livonna nodded. Wolffang raised the sabre.

"Where do you think you are going, pretty?" she asked, smirking. "Do you have any money? Or any jewels? No? And what if I'll find some on your body?"

"Help! Please! Someone!" Livonna screamed, while orcess was coming closer.

"Stop right there, criminal scum!" both girls heard strict male voice, and the elf appeared from the evening shadows with a rapier drawn. Wolffang screamed angrily and tried to attack him, but even if she was planning to defeat him for real, she had no chance against a knight. So he quickly disarmed her and put his rapier to her throat.

"I surrender! I promise!" Wolffang gulped in fear. She was pretty sure, that he will just scare her away, but not capture. The knight looked at her sternly.

"And what should I do with you?" He sighed. "Call the guards and send you to the court?"

The orcess shook her head, looking at him pleadingly. The elf frowned.

"Well, I have an idea. Pull your skirt up!" he said, taking off his belt. Wolffang pouted, but submitted. Livonna smirked.

Few seconds later the whooping sounds of the belt landing on the soft skin repeatedly and the girlish screams of pain were heard around the alley. Wolffang was begging for mercy and weeping bitterly, struggling the pain. She quickly became almost ready to confess, that it all was nothing but a staging, but when she caught the gaze of Dame Athanasia, who was watching all the scene from around the corner, poor orcess bit her tongue. She knew very well, that her mistress will punish her for failed task much more severely, than even the elven knight. And she just screamed and wept in pain till he was satisfied and just kicked her away. Steal crying in pain, failed robber ran away, clutching her very sore bottom. The knight followed her with his gaze and turned to the girl he saved. Livonna smiled and curtsied.

"Oh, thank you, milord! You saved my life!" she finally noticed, that her breasts are uncovered and blushed, fixing her corsage.

"Not at all, young lady," the knight smiled back and turned away, giving her time to fix her dress. "It is dangerous walking alone so late, you know?" he said jocosely strictly.

"I know," Livonna sighed. "I know. My bad. My employer made me to clean dust in his library all over, and I made too many breaks to read..." she smiled guilty. "I was happy he didn't caught me, when I was reading his books instead of working, or I could get a spanking instead of payment," Livonna giggled and sighed again. "So I ended my work quite late. Right when highwaymen go out for prey..." she looked at the knight. "If it wasn't for you, I would definitely have been robbed, and possibly killed!" Livonna curtsied again.

"All's well that ends well!" the knight smiled. "Don't feel bad for your thirst for knowledge," he winked at the girl. "I hope, the book you were reading was an academic treatise, not just some romance novel. But even it was the latest, don't feel guilty. What is your name, young lady? I am Falaen, Knight of the Realm." he saluted.

"My name is Livonna," Livonna curtsied again, blushing. "You may not believe me, milord, but that was an academic treatise. About natural balance and the role of predators in its maintenance. I was always loving books, but my family was very poor, so I never could get a proper education." She sighed. "Well, now the robber is gone. I guess, I can continue my way home. I hope, nothing more bad will happen to me. Thank you very much for saving me and good bye!" Livonna sighed again and turned away, preparing to go, but suddenly the knight's hand lay on her shoulder.

"Not so fast, Livonna," Falaen smiled. "Night streets aren't safe enough, and my evening is free. Why should I not escort you home?"

Livonna smiled happily.

"Oh, thank you very much, milord."

All the way home Livonna was trying to keep the conversation going. She never felt herself so foolish ever before, but Falaen found her rustic spontaneity surprisingly nice. Of course this girl was far from the noble ladies from his usual encirclement. She was too rude and totally lack of manners, but she was really cute in her clumsiness. Her almost primal wilderness was really tempting. So when they finally reached her home, Falaen asked her, if they may meet again. And when Livonna blushed and agreed, he insisted to meet the next day in city park. She promised him to be there at midday, made a curtsy and disappeared behind a tenement house's door just to get out from a window on the other side.

Dame Athanasia was very happy about her maid's success. But it was only the first step to her triumph. So she allowed Livonna to date Falaen and insisted that she should behave nice with him. At least, until she will find the runic key. Wolffang tried to complain about the spanking she received, but Dame Athanasia just called that collateral damage and even Kajira advised poor orcess to forget about that punishment and not make a drama. End justifies the means.

The next day at the midday Livonna came to the park. Falaen was happy to see her again. They spent few hours just promenading around the lake, making pauses to stare at water. Livonna tried her Best to not make a fool of herself and not disappoint Falaen. But actually she charmed him by her easiness. She was completely different from the noble ladies and high society dandies. And in the same time the werewolf-girl started feeling that she finally met someone, who saw a person in her. So after the date in park they met again quite soon. Falaen taught Livonna some high society manners and even gave her few science lessons. He was surprised, how willingly this girl accepted new knowledge. He didn't know that, but she even asked Dame Athanasia and Kajira to help her to study. And not just the witch but even the vampiress surprisingly gladly helped her. And while Falaen was teaching Livonna some science and manners, she reminded him, how to simple enjoy life by walking around a forest or just doing nonsense time to time. So one day he finally invited her in his house. The only problem remained was Livonna's secret. Her curse. Her beast nature, which she kept hidden from Falaen. She wanted to confess him, but still was unsure if he won't just chase her away after that. And she continued trying her Best to hide her beast part from him.

And while Livonna was happy and Dame Athanasia was pretty sure, that she almost got the key, Wolffang became more and more jealous and envious. Falaen was really very handsome and smart, but while that wolf in chick's clothing almost got his heart, she got only a very painful belting from him. And in the same time Wolffang was pretty sure, that Livonna doesn't even try to speed up. Just like she really started falling in love with that elf! And that was unacceptable! At least Wolffang was sure so. After all, if this love will become Livonna's main priority, wouldn't she betray Dame Athanasia? Wolffang discussed this with the vampiress few times, and she even agreed with her, that the she-werewolf's make-believe love became true. Maybe even mutual. But when the orcess asked if she should take some measures, the vampiress suddenly became very serious and strictly prohibited her to do anything about that without any explanation. Wolfgang was confused, but decided to take matters in her own hands.

It was nice sunny day. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. Falaen and Livonna went to the market to buy her some new clothing. The knight finally decided to officially announce that she is his girlfriend. Livonna was over the moon. She was so happy that even didn't notice a pretty familiar smell.

Wolffang tried to stay on the leeward, but it wasn't so easy on the market with so many people around. Even not to lose the knight and his girl wasn't an easy task. Orcess sighed. She wasn't sure how to ruin their romance, but she had an idea. And right now she was looking for an opportunity. And finally she saw her. A noble elven lady in a very expensive dress with two bodyguards - a dwarf and an elf. She was much more focused on goods on the shelves than on her own safety, while her bodyguards were admiring pretty girls instead of looking for their employer. Wolffang smirked and looked for Livonna. Just in time to notice, that Falaen leaved her alone to prepare his surprise. The time was right.

The orcess sneaked behind the elven lady and easily stole her wallet. If she wanted to be sure, that silly woman won't notice that she was just robbed, Wolffang would replace the wallet with a stone the same weight. She did this trick many times before. But now she wanted to make some noise. And trying to be as quick and as inconspicuous as possible, she sneaked behind Livonna, put the stollen wallet in her bag and escaped as quick as it was possible, hiding behind the arch. The she-werewolf finally recognised the smell, but right when she turned around, the noble lady in a beautiful blue dress suddenly screamed:

"Thieves! I got robbed! You two, fools! Do something!"

Her bodyguards looked around, trying to find anyone looking like a thief even a bit. A crowd become bigger. Wolffand choose a moment and sneaked out from her hide. She sneaked behind the dwarf.

"That grey-haired girl stole something from the lady!" she whispered in his ear before disappear again. The dwarf turned around, trying to get, who was just speaking to him, but decided to follow mysterious advice and caught poor Livonna by her hand.

"Where do you think you are going, princess?" he asked and turned to his partner. "Aurelio, I think I found our thief! Help me to search her!"

"How dare you?! You have no right to do this!" Livonna protested, but two men easily overpowered her and while Aurelio was holding her by her arms, his partner searched her bad.

"I found it!" he shouted. "I found it, lady Shahirim!"

"Good job, Shtyz!" Lady Megalkarven Shahirim took her wallet from his hands and screamed: "Strip this vile thief naked! She deserved a good birching!"

Her bodyguards nodded contentedly, and Shtyz started ripping Livonna's dress.

"But I have no idea, how this wallet got into my bag! I didn't steal it! Please, don't do this to me! I swear, this is a mistake!" Livonna protested, struggling, but neither the lady nor her bodyguards listened to her.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing! Stop immediately! I forbid you!" Falaen screamed, trying to get through the crowd, but he was too far to stop lady Shahirim's bodyguards.

Wolffang smiled, peeking from around the corner.

Shtyz and Aurelio stripped poor Livonna naked and made her bend over by tying her hands. Aurelio took a big bunch of birches and, while Shtyz was keeping loudly protesting girl in position, started flogging her. Livonna screamed out loud and wagged her plump bottom like a mad, trying to make the terrible pain easy even a bit. She was desperate. She could stand the humiliation. She could stand the pain. But she was frightened about her secret will be revealed. It was a well know fact, that the pain always makes werewolves show their true nature. The nature of the beast. And no matter how hard she tried to stand the pain, she couldn't prevent her transformation. Lady Shahirim laughed, watching at poor girl's suffering, and all the crowd roared approval. They all were pretty sure, that this girl was a thief, so nobody felt pity for her. Except Falaen, who still tried to get through the crowd and stop this reprisal. But when he finally did it, it was too late. Livonna's body started changing. Her ears became pointy and covered with a grey fur, while her hair became totally look just like a long wolfish wool. Her arms and legs turned into a wolf's paws. Then even her body became wolfish and her face turned into a muzzle. Her torturers stopped.

"What?! A werewolf?!" Aurelio screamed, stepping back.

"Guards! Guards! A werewolf! A werewolf!" Shtyz screamed out loud, throwing the rope.

Livonna looked at Falaen, who was totally shocked. The fear and disenchantment in his eyes were much worse than any pain or humiliation.

"I am sorry, Falaen! I can explain!" she mumbled. But he just turned away. The werewolfess growled desperately and just ran away like darkness.

Falaen also walked away, still not wanting to believe what he just saw.

Wolffang laughed until she drop. Suddenly someone's heavy hand lay over her shoulder. Wolffang turned around and gulped in fear, seeing furious Dame Athanasia.

"Do you have any idea, what had you done, stupid girl?" the vampiress asked sternly, grabbing her maid by the braid.

"But that mutt wanted to betray us and stay with that elf! Someone should stop her! I thought..."

"You are here not for thinking!" Dame Athanasia interrupted her. "I could just talk to Livonna and she would listen to me! And you ruined all the plan, stupid jealous vixen! Three weeks of preparation down the drain!" she pulled orcess hair, making her scream and turn her face to the wall. "Stand still!" she raised the girl's skirt. Wolffang sobbed in fear. She knew very well what is going to happen.

Dame Athanasia raised her umbrella.

"And now try to finally remember! Never spoil my plans! Never do anything without my permission if that affects my plans even indirectly! Stop competing with your partners! And never hurt feeling of any of them this way ever again! Is that clear?" she said in low stern voice, accentuating every word by a hard stroke of her umbrella on the girl's bottom.

Wolffang wept in pain and nodded, begging for mercy. She never saw her mistress so angry. By the time the punishment was finished, the orcess's bottom was bruised badly.

"Take her to our lair," Dame Athanasia said to Kajira, who suddenly appeared from the shadows. "And if Livonna will return before me, try to stop her from killing Wolffang. I don't want to loose any of you," she whispered in the witch's ear and walked away, covering from the sunlight under her umbrella.

Just as Dame Athanasia thought, Falaen went right to his house. He still was so shocked about what he saw at the market, that he didn't noticed, when a woman in dark clothes appeared from the shadows and bit him right in the neck. Suddenly he felt weakness and then a strange apathy. The woman turned him around, looking right in his eyes.

"Your blood is so tasty! It was very hard not to drain you down." she smirked. "Do you remember, what had happen today, Falaen Knight of the Realm?"

"Yes, milady." he nodded. His voice sounded empty.

"And what had happen today?"

"I found out that the girl I loved was actually a wild beast. Literally."

"Good. And now you have nothing to lose, Falaen. So give me the runic key," Dame Athanasia commanded.

Falaen just nodded and invited her to his home. There he led her into the kitchen and opened a shelf filled with cupcakes.

"Such a silly stash!" he said without any emotions. "Some magic, and a no one will notice that one of these cupcakes stays on this shelf much longer than such a stuff can stored." he took one of the cupcakes and crashed it, taking the runic key out. "It's yours milady." he gave it to vampiress.

Dame Athanasia smiled.

"Thank you, my dear. Now eat all what left from this delicious cupcake and forget that you ever touched it. And lead me out from your cosy home." she hid the key in her pocket.

Falaen quickly ate all the crumbs remaining from the enchanted cupcake and lead his sinister guest to the door. On the porch Dame Athasia gazed into his eyes.

"Forget about me. Forget about the key." she said in low voice.

"Yes, milady." Falaen answered.

"What do you remember?" Dame Athanasia asked.

"The girl I loved was a werewolf..." he respond perplexedly.

"Go and have some rest. And you never saw me," Dame Athanasia turned around and walked away, while totally confused Falaen closed door behind himself.

They both didn't noticed that poor Livonna was peeking from the bushes, weeping in pain and desperation.

"Is Livonna here?" Dame Athanasia asked, closing the door behind her.

"No, milady," Kajira turned to her. "How did it go? Have you got the key?"

"Yes! Another step to my victory. To our victory, my dear Kajira!" the vampiress smiled, but frowned noticing Wolffang, who tried to hide behind the curtain.

"Hey you, foolish girl! Go and find Livonna before she'll make anything stupid!"

"But she will torn me into pieces!" the orcess protested.

"Oh, yes! I will!" a rabid roar was heard behind their backs. All three women turned to the door and saw furious Livonna standing on the threshold.

"Oh, darkness!" Wolffang closed her eyes and hugged herself.

"How dare you to speak to me in such a voice!" Dame Athanasia said sternly. "Get over my knee! Now!"

"How dare you to ruin my love?" Livonna screamed hysterically. "You could make him forget about what he had seen on the market! But you didn't! Why?" she came up to her mistress, showing her ivories.

"To be sure, that he will not recall about the runic key any time soon, being too upset about how his love turned to be a beast!" Dame Athanasia grabbed Livonna by her scruff. "And I don't need to explain any of my decisions to any of you three! So get over my knee! Now!" and she put struggling she-werewolf over her knee. "Now you need some lesson in humility!" the vampiress took a solid wooden hairbrush.

"This is not fair! I got birched for nothing just because of this greenskin framed me! OW!!! OUCH!!! Milady, please, don't do this! OWIEE!!! I am so sore already! EEYOOW!!!" Livonna bawled in pain, squirming and struggling after each heavy spank landing over her already badly flogged bottom.

Livonna howled and bawled in pain, while Dame Athanasia continued walloping her with the hairbrush, neglecting her protests.

"...And I am your mistress, so it is me who decides what is right and what is wrong! And you can only... Hey what do you think you are doing?!" the vampiress tried to keep the she-werewolf lying over her knee, but Livonna suddenly break away and grabbed her mistress by the collar.

"I don't care if I owe you! I don't care if you are my mistress! You have no right to ignore my feelings like this!" she punched Dame Athanasia in the face and ran away, slamming the door behind herself.

Dame Athanasia stunned in shock, looking at the closed door.

The weather has turned bad. It was raining cats and dogs. Falaen was sitting in an armchair in front of the fireplace, looking out the window, sadly staring at raindrops running down the glass.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is there?" Falaen asked, standing up from the armchair.

"It's me, Lydda!" the female voice answered.

"Oh, it's you," Falaen sighed and opened the door. "Come in, my old friend! How do you do?" he hugged her.

"Well, that's a state secret, you know," a young elven blonde giggled and hugged him back. "But speaking seriously, I am fine. Me and princess Maera are still trying to find her disappeared mother." she frowned for a second. "And how are you, my friend?"

"Well, fifty-fifty," Falaen shrugged.

"What's the matter, Falaen? I see that something is bothering you!" Lydda frowned.

Livonna didn't noticed that. She only wept bitterly, gazing at elves through the window. They didn't even notice her. And she didn’t even realise that she was just seeing a meeting of old friends. Her heart was broken. Weeping bitterly poor werewolfess walked away. And at each step she was turning more and more beast-alike.

A big grey she-wolf ran out the city and stopped only when she reached the forest. She sat on the ground, raised her muzzle and howled bitterly, feeling how the raindrops are running down over her fluffy wool. She never felt so lonely and so betrayed in her whole life. She howled to the clouded sky but the storm muffled her, turning her howl into a silent weep.