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Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Fox and the Wolf

"OW!!! OWIEE!!! HOWL!!!! EYOOW!!!"

"Howl as much as you want, big bad she-wolf! But I won't stop, until I'll be sure that you are sorry for what you did to my chicken!" thoughts: "Well, I need to admit, that chicken was just delicious!"

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Spanking Breeze

Wolffang was a quite young and very ambitious orcess. She was a thief and always wanted to make a really great burglary or even a robbery. When she heard about a dwarfs's merchantman laden with the dwarfs's gold, she thought that it's her chance to make a name in gangland. She asked the captain for a couchette on a board. He thought that just a one passenger won't be a big problem, and agreed.

When the ship went to the open sea, Wolffang sneaked to the chest and picked the lock. When she opened the chest and saw the golden coins, she laughed in triumph. Suddenly a heavy hand in a mitten lay down over her shoulder.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?" the dwarf captain asked in a stern voice.


"Madame Wolffang, I suppose? What do you think are you doing here?"

"I can explain! This is not what you are thinking about!"

Orcess gulped. Without any more words, the dwarf pulled her by hair away from the chest.

The captain forced the thief to stay on all fours, stepped on her hair and raised the cat o'nine tails.

"Oh, I know how to teach a naughty thievish girl a lesson!" he said and give Wolffang's upturned butt a powerful stroke. Few seconds later the lash's strokes over a bare skin and the orcess howling filled with pain were heard for a miles around the ship.

"Oh, what a surprise! I never thought, that a green skin can turn red! Did you know that, Wolffang?" the dwarf teased poor orcess, while continue thrashing her plump bottom properly.

"OUCH!!! EYOOW!!!! YARAAAA!!!! My butt! That hurts! That hurts terrible!" unlucky thief bawled in pain.

When the whipping was finally over, Wolffang's buttocks and even thighs were full covered with a searing stripes. The orcess hardly stand up but started the brat war dance immediately, trying to get even a little relief from the sting.

"OW!!! OW!!! OUCH!!! Hurt! Hurt! OW!!! Butt hurt! OW!!!! My butt hurts so bad! OUCH!!! OW!!! I will not sit down for a week! OW!!!" the orcess complained.

"And now listen me very carefully, scumbag! If I will saw you anytime anywhere again, I'll think that you want to get another very thoroughly thrashing! Understood?"

"Yes... OW!!!"

"Ok "lady", you've had enough punishment, time to go!"

"B-b-u-u-t-t, you can't dump me in the ocean!" the orcess stutters.

"Oh, your fine, the land isn't THAT far away!".

"Au! Ow! Au! But my's bottom is so sore! I can barely walk! How can I swim?!"

"Poorly, I'm guessing!"

Wolffang tried to protest but a powerful kick made her fly out from the board.

"Remember, tell other orc skanks what happens when you mess with a Dwarf!" the captain shouted.

"OUCH!!! Oh, no! The water is salt! My butt is so sore! EYOOW!!!" and with a loud SPLASH Wolffang disappeared under water just to bobbed up few seconds later, moaning in pain and awkwardly swimming to the waterside.

Friday, August 16, 2024

A Blistering Hot Summer Night

      “IT’S TOO DAMN HOT!” Belinda shouted as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with a cool damp cloth.  Belinda’s air conditioning had knocked out hours ago, and she felt like she was being cooked alive in her tiny apartment. Her landlord had promised her her AC would be working again soon … three hours ago. Since that time, Belinda had drank five cans of beer, in a futile effort to cool down.
    Looking out of her kitchen window, the pixie faced German girl saw there was a slight breeze rustling the leaves back and forth on the trees that surrounded the trail that ran behind her house. She decided walking down that shady trail would be better than being trapped in her hotter than Hell apartment. She slipped into her favorite pair of booty shorts, the ones that exposed quite a bit of her chubby butt cheeks, grabbed her last can of beer, and headed out.
    Once on the trail, Belinda opened the can and made a big gulp.
    Suddenly she heard a deep masculine voice behind her, shouting sternly, “YOUNG LADY, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? THIS IS A PUBLIC TRAIL!”
   Turning around, Belinda saw the man who had just berated her, like she was a mischievous child. He was extremely tall, roughly handsome with jet black hair, muscular arms and huge hands. Angry at being treated like a naughty schoolgirl,  Belinda bellowed, “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, AND STOP STARING AT ME, YOU CREEPY OLD PERVERT!” She tossed her now empty beer can at the dark haired stranger. The can crashed loudly into his forehead.
    Rubbing the knot slowly rising from his forehead, the man shot Belinda an icy glare, “ Girl, that was a BIG mistake. You just assaulted a police officer.”
    Hearing that, Belinda turned as pale as a ghost, “ You’re a… POLICE OFFICER.? I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that. You’re not wearing a police uniform.”
    Removing his wallet, he showed Belinda his badge, “ I’m Officer Jim Brady. There’s been quite a few crimes committed on this trail lately, mostly drug deals and robberies. so we patrol it now on a regular basis, in plain clothes, hoping to keep the public safe.”
     “Well, thank you for doing that. And once again, I apologize for throwing a beer can at you. I guess I’ll go home now. It was nice to meet you, Jim.” Belinda said, smiling sweetly, before turning back towards her apartment.
    “Where do you think you’re going, Young Lady”, Jim said, taking Belinda by her hand, “ You’re under arrest. For assaulting a police officer, drinking alcohol in public, and mostly likely public intoxication. Oh, and alcoholic beverages aren’t allowed on this trail. I’ll have to ask you to please follow me back to my patrol car.”
   Belinda began to shake, “Please don’t arrest me. I didn’t know you were a police officer, I thought you were… how you say in America, a peeping tom cat. And I didn’t know you’re not allowed to drink on the trail. And I’m NOT drunk. Well, not TOO drunk. Please let me go, Jim, I’ll be a good girl.”

   “It’s my job to see that lawbreakers are punished. It would be unfair to the public, if I just let you go free, when there’s people sitting in a jail cell right now, for committing half of the crimes I’m about to charge you with.“  Jim replied, as he led the German girl closer and closer to his police cruiser. 
    “I guess I should be punished, for what I did.“ Belinda said, as her big blue eyes began to well up with tears, “But do you have to arrest me? Could you punish me… some other way?”
    Behind her back, Belinda couldn’t see Jim smile devilishly. He was hoping she would suggest that. Belinda  wouldn’t be the first woman who had agreed to being spanked, instead of doing jail time. And he was dying to get her hard hands on this blonde’s bubble butt. Pretending he didn’t know what she was suggesting, he said, “Hmm, ANOTHER form of punishment? What do you mean? If you were my daughter, I know how I would punish you. With a good old fashioned spanking. Until you couldn’t sit down for a week! But she’s just a child, you’re a full grown woman”
    Feeling trapped, Belinda whispered, “I HATE spankings, and I’m not a little girl anymore, but… if that’s what you think I deserve, you can… spank me, if you promise me you won’t arrest me.”
     “I guess I could do that. But, remember this is YOUR idea, But it has to be a REAL spanking. On your bare bottom. Are you sure you want to do that?”
     Staring at the policeman’s huge arms and hands, Belinda began to tremble, “Yes, you can spank me… on my bare bottom.”
      “OK, but not here, on the trail.“ Jim said, taking Belinda’s hand, he led the nervous blonde deeper into the woods, until they came to a clearing. Sitting on a fallen log, Jim patted his lap, smiling as he turned to Belinda, saying. “OK, shuck off those shorts and hop aboard.”
   Belinda skimmed down her shorts, and laid across Jim’s lap. He could feel her shaking like a leaf. He liked that. He admired her plumb pale posterior, he loved spanking girls with big snowy white bottoms, and watching them change from a rosy pink to a fiery red. He began to spank Belinda with a slow steady rhythm, each swat a little harder than the last, creating a slow burn that grew in intensity, hotter and hotter, until Belinda’s formerly porcelain white posterior was now as red as a stop sign, her childlike squeaks and squeals replaced with screams, and she was bucking across his lap like a wild bronco. 
     Jim held his now sore hand against Belinda’s boiling bottom, feeling the heat rising off of it in waves, as he watched the blisters begin to form all across her beet red rear. “OK, Honey, you can get up now.”
    Belinda didn’t have to be told twice. She flew off of Jim’s lap like a bat out of Hell, and began to dance around in circles, her hands furiously rubbing her crimson butt cheeks, crying mournfully.
   Hopping from foot to foot, she noticed Jim was cutting thin branches off of a nearby willow tree. Growing up in Germany, and being an unruly child, she knew what he doing.
     Why was he collecting a bundle of SWITCHES?
    “Why are you doing that?”, Belinda asked Jim, fearing for the worse, “You already gave me a spanking.”
     “THAT spanking was for all of the other offenses I could had arrested you for,“ Jim said as he swished his switches back and forth, “THIS is for assaulting an officer of the law. That’s a SERIOUS crime. You could be sent to prison for ten years for doing that. I believe you deserve more than just a playful spanking to atone for that.”
     A PLAYFUL spanking?”, the German brat protested angrily, “You must not realize how HARD you spanked me! My poor Popo... I mean, my ass… is on FIRE! You BLISTERED my bottom, I can feel them with my fingers!”
      “Remember, Young Lady, you’re the one who suggested we solve this problem with corporal punishment. You can either bend over NOW, and accept what YOU agreed to, or I can run you down to the police office.” 
       Feeling she had no alternative, Belinda marched over to a fallen tree Jim was pointing at, and bent across it, gritting her teeth. 
     Jim’s switches flew like lightning, biting into Belinda’s already blazing hot bottom. Each stroke igniting a tiny stream of fire, until Belinda’s burgundy butt, and the back of her legs were crisscrossed with welts, and Belinda was howling for mercy. Finally satisfied that Belinda had learned her lesson, a lesson she would remember painfully every time she tried to sit down for the rest of the week, Jim stopped and ordered the bawling blonde to pull her shorts back up, shorts that now felt two sizes too small, and like a lid on a boiling pot, they kept the heat from her seat from escaping.
   Jim led Belinda back to the trail, holding her by the arm, to keep her from falling, since her legs were still shaking so badly. Giving her tortured tail a final hard smack, with his hand, he watched her as she headed back to her apartment. Checking his watch, he decided he better head home, too. He had stopped a curvy redhead earlier today. Instead of giving her a speeding ticket she agreed to meet him at his apartment at nine. When she told him she was in a sorority, he asked her to bring her sorority paddle with her. He loved paddling redheads.
      Returning to her apartment, Belinda was relieved to find her air conditioning was was finally working again, but while her apartment was now nice and cool, Belinda’s big bottom was still steaming. Searching for the quickest way to cool down her roasting rear, Belinda filled her bathtub full of cold water, and dumped all of the ice cubes from her freezer into it. Belinda gently lowered her blistered bottom into the ice cold water. The second her aching ass settled on the bottom of the tub, Belinda felt like she had just sat down on a red hot stove.  Squealing, she leaped out of the tub, sliding on the wet, slick bathroom floor, landing hard on her percolating posterior.
       Cursing in German, Belinda went into her bedroom, and removed all of the pillows off of her bed. She then dumped them into her bathtub, then, as gingerly as she could, she lowered her roaring red rear onto the soggy pillows. She was so sore, even sitting on a stack of pillows was uncomfortable, but she could tell the chilly water was helping to snuff out the fires raging all over her bottom and half way down the back of her legs.
      Emerging from her bath a half hour later, Belinda looked in the mirror, her rear wasn’t as red as it was, but her ass and the back of her legs were still crisscrossed with welts, and the center of both of her butt cheeks were badly bruised from either Jim’s hard hand or the fall she suffered in the bathroom. Probably a combination of both. She knew that motherfucking  cop was right,  he promised her she wouldn’t feel like sitting down for the rest of the week. 
       And it was only Monday.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Night of the Werewolves (Part 2)

When poor Vivian finally arrived to her pack's lair, all the werewolves already were know, that something awful happened to her. The pack leader, flame furred werewolf-woman named Stirba, went out to meet her.

"Vivian, what happened?" she asked, but the answer was too obvious. Stirba frowned. "Who had done this to you? My poor wolfess!" she hugged Vivian, who was still whimpering bitterly. Weeping and moaning, laying on her belly with a big snow clod on her badly burning buttocks, while her packmates gathered around, the whipped werewolf-girl told them everything. How she was caught by vampires, how they tortured and humiliated her, and all what their leader, Pauline Drax wanted her to tell. When she finished her gloomy story, her cheeks were blushing so bright, that it could be seen even through her fur. Stirba growled in pure anger.

"So, that bloodsucking bitch really thinks, that she is that superior over all of us?!" she shouted "And she dares to torture one of us just like this, being sure, that she will get away with this?! No way! She will pay for this insult to our pack! To our kind! My dear wolves, this night we will have our revenge!"

The whole pack growled and howled in acclamation. They surely just couldn't let that vampiress get her away with what she had done. So they started the preparations. First Marsha, dark grey furred werewolf-girl with a bushy mane of raven hair, and Serafine, pale grey furred werewolf-girl, stole a jar full of Holy water from the nearest church, while their packmates were cutting switches. Then they put the switches in Holy water to soak them right, making an ultimate birches to punish the haughty vampiress.

And while the birches were soaking, the werewolves attacked the castle. Pauline's undead servants flee away in fear, running for their unnatural lives, while the proud vampire princess was caught in her bedroom, where she tried to hide under her coffin.


The angry werewolves tore Pauline's luxurious dress and cloak apart, while they were dragging her out from her castle and bringing deep into their forest. Vampire princess protested, threatened that just after she will be released, she will return and bring all the werewolves pack to heel, and finally just begged for mercy, but all was useless. The werewolves tied her to the old oak and brought the birches.

"Do you really think, we will bow before you, bloodsucking bitch?" Stirba asked, angrily looking in Pauline's eyes.

"Ugh! You would not dare to speak to me like this, if my useless minions weren't this coward!" Pauline shouted. "You are nothing more than wild forest animals! You have no honour! You have no right do this to me! I am nobility! I am princess! Let me go, and I will spare you all for this time!"

"Is this your last word?" Stirba asked, riding the bunch of birches.

"Hey, don't do this! This is not necessary! I... I apologies! This all was just a silly mistake! Please, let me go! And I... I will give you this forest!" Pauline begged.

"This forest is already ours. And it was ours for generations! Girls, let's show this undead bitch her proper place!" Strirba nodded to her packmates and brought the first stroke upon Pauline's pale bottom. Proud vampire princess screamed out loud like a peasant girl, when birches soaked in Holy water landed heavily over her vulnerable bottom. Leader of the werewolves pack herself and her faithful companions birched undead bitch as merciless as she tormented one of them some hours before. Soaked in Holy Water birches literally burned undead behind, making vampiress scream so loud, that them were heard all over the whole forest, making all the creatures of the night and other supernatural beings laughing.

Pauline bawled in pain, begged and pleaded, but the werewolves finished the punishment only after all the birches were broken on her now terrible sore and almost literally burned buttocks, and she swore on her un-life, that she and her minions would never even come close to the forest edge. Only after that the werewolves finally untied the vampiress and leaved her alone in the depths of a forest.

It was almost dawn, when poor Pauline finally found the way out to her castle. Right before the first sunbeam appeared over horizon, she closed the door behind her, still weeping from the terrible pain. Next few days she was sleeping on her belly in her coffin with opened lid to make sure, that nothing will touch her burning bottom, which never was this sore. Even when she was alive.

Morgana the Merciless

 In Northern Ireland, a pack of werewolves, led by a ghostly white werewolf named King Smoke, claims Falstaff Forest as their home. King Smoke rules his pack with an iron claw. Any werewolf that breaks one of his rules, is bound across a fallen tree, called The Tree Of Woe. Once tied securely in place, the pack’s disciplinarian, Morgana The Merciless, will whip the disobedient werewolf’s rear with her heavy leather strap, until they’re howling for mercy, their blistered bottom burning like a bonfire.

    Any human that wanders into Falstaff Forest after dark, may also find themselves bound across The Tree Of Woe. Recently, a harlot, returning from her rich client’s manor, decided to take a shortcut through Falstaff Forest, believing she would be home long before nightfall. Unfortunately for the busty blonde beauty she became lost in the woods, and was captured that night by King Smoke. Stripped bare, she was forced across The Tree Of Woe, where Morgana The Merciless painted her plump pale posterior burgundy with her vicious leather strap. Once released, she fled the werewolf’s lair, still completely naked, her rear glowing in the darkness, like a pair of fiery demon eyes, as she ran crying all the way home.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Immortal Vampire

Dame Athanasia stunned in shock, looking at the closed door.

"This is not good..." she whispered nervously. "This is not good."

"So, are we now a trio?" Wolffang asked carefully. "And what is our next step, milady?"

Dame Athanasia turned to her.

"What is our next step? Get over here!" she pulled Wolffang over her lap, baring her bottom.

"Whoops! But milady..." the orcess tried to protest, but her words drowned in a lament, when her mistress's hairbrush started repeatedly landing over her bottom, which was still sore after previous spanking.

"Listen carefully, useless wench!" the vampiress said in frighteningly calm voice. "Do you have any idea, what had you done? I'm sure, not!" she lectured whining orcess, accenting every word with a heavy smack of her solid wooden hairbrush over first green and now dark red buttocks. "Livonna is out. She is confused, angered, completely heart broken! She can make something stupid and pay a terrible price for that! And it is all just because of your stupid jealousy!" the brush landed over orcess's sore bottom especially hard, making her bawl loudly. "I told you not to ruin her love. But you disobeyed me! And you have enough arrogance to offer excuses! Shame on you!"

"OW!!! OUCH!!!! I am sorry milady! EEYOOOW!!!! I am sorry!" Wolffang wept and bawled bitterly, squirming and kicking over Dame Athanasia's lap. She never saw her this angry ever before.

When Wolffang's buttocks turned deep purple and fully covered with nasty bruises, Dame Athanasia finally stopped the punishment. She pushed crying orcess from her knee. Wolffang jumped up from the floor, hopping around in a brat war dance, clutching her terrible bruised buttocks. Dame Athanasia took her by the hand and dragged to the doorstep.

"And now you will go and find Livonna! And when you will find her, you will convince her return to me at any cost! Is that clear?" the vampiress asked.

"But she will eat me alive!" the orcess argued, rubbing her sore bottom. "Please, milady, have a mercy!"

"It is your fault, that she ran away, so it is you who should convince her to return! Go away and don't you dare to come back without Livonna!" Dame Athanasia gave Wolffang a hard kick, throwing her away in the street and closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry, milady, but why are you so worried about Livonna? You were always so strict with her, but now you're looking just like you lost your Best friend?" Kajira asked carefully.

Dame Athanasia sighed.

"It is a very long story, Kajira. It is a very long story." she shook her head. "Well, I guess you have right to know it. After all, if Wolffang won't come back just like Livonna, you will be my only friend. If I can call you a friend, my dear witch." the vampiress sat in front of the fireplace. "Come here, take a sit. It is a very long story. Long time ago I wasn't a vampire knight." Dame Athanasia sighed again. "I was nothing...


I was the youngest child in Morrisville family. The one, who could only hope for a successful marriage - my oldest sister was supposed to inherit our family mansion and an one half of the family capitals, our oldest brother - the other half of them, his younger brother became a knight. So, I had almost no prospects. But I hated the idea just to find a rich and high-ranking husband. I wanted to make myself a name by my own.

Since the old times were always fascinating me, I decided to learn archaeology. No sooner said than done. My teacher, Richard Croft, was a real genius without a doubt! His motto was "If you want to be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library!". We travelled a lot, looking for ancient tombs. It was a life, I was dreaming when I was a kid! Of course, it was not just like in an adventure novel, but much more exciting, than dinner parties and all those high society receptions, I was used to. But it also was very hard. And my teacher was very strict man.

Once I accidentally spilled a cup of coffee over a map of an ancient tomb we were looking for for quite a long time and finally found right that evening. Sir Richard was furious. He walloped me with his whip really hard. Yes, he had spanked me few times before, but he never did it that hard! I thought, he was gonna kill me with that whip! After the punishment he left me lying on a bench, weeping and sobbing, and focused on the ruined map, hoping to fix it. I tried to apology, but he pretended not to notice me. So I went away, hoping to find a way to get back into his good graces. So, I went into the crypt without a map or anything, but with only a lantern.


I was pretty sure, I'll just lost and die deep under earth, but instead of that I found the feretory we were looking for. A tomb of an ancient vampire prince! He was killed in his tomb and abandoned with all his cursed treasures centuries ago. And I was the first person, who stepped into his crypt so many years after his killers left it. This thought made my sore feeling after a whipping from Sir Richard easier a bit. I became proud of myself and decided to look at the skeleton closely. I tried to open his mouth and suddenly felt a sharp pain. I accidentally pricked my finger on his fang!

Of course, I never told Sir Richard about that accident. I only showed him the feretory. He was so happy that he not just forgave me for ruined map, but also apologised for the whipping he gave me. He was pretty sure, that our discovery will immortalise our names. And I was hoping, that one prick won't end badly. I was wrong.

It started with headaches under the sunlight. First I thought that those were just because of a hot of that place. The tomb we were exploring was in a desert. But then my skin started burning in a sunlight, making me hide all day long under the awning. And then came the hunger. Bloodlust. This is even worse than the fear beyond the sunlight. You can live in the shadows, but you can't stand this hunger. I tried. I tried my Best. I was hoping, that it will just drain my powers but nothing more. I was wrong. The worst thing in vampire being is a need in a fresh blood just to exist at all. The hunger made my body putrefy. I wasn't dying! I was dead already. And now I was need to drink a fresh blood just not to become a piece of rotten flesh.

I didn't have a much choice, so I decided to give up to this hunger. In our camp were only me and my teacher. So I drunk his blood. I didn't kill him. I just drunk as much, as I need to feed myself. I left him alive, but unconscious, took all the books about vampirism we had in the camp and left. You'll ask me, what happened to him, I guess. Well, he survived, but he also became a vampire. And few years later he found me. Since I turned him into a vampire, he couldn't really confront me. And since that time I was desperately trying to find a cure from vampirism, he actually won't. Instead, he suggested to help me. We spent a lot of time in our quests and we found a way to cure ourselves. But it is too difficult to complete it. And while we were searching for it, we also found out that vampirism has it's advantages. I am immortal, my wounds are healing much faster, I am stronger and more powerful than I was ever before. And with all my knowledge about supernatural I became an expert in such a questions. Me former teacher is now my archivist and majordomo, who runs my main mansion, while I'm travelling in my new quests.

But I guess, you're more interested about how I met Livonna..."

And while Dame Athanasia and Kajira were talking about the past, sitting in a warm room in front of a fireplace, and Wolffang was walking through the streets under the heavy rain, desperately searching for Livonna, the poor she-werewolf was still on the outer wood, howling bitterly and weeping about her ruined love. She was still in her full beast form.

"Careful, you fool! You don't want to get her attention!" a young elven woman whispered to her sidekick. "I bet my ass, this is not a regular wolf, but Livonna Grau herself! And if she is here, that means, that her mistress is somewhere nearby. And that means, that that greenskin bitch is also somewhere in this city! Excellent!"

"But mistress Van'Elle, why are you so sure, that this is that she-werewolf?" her companion asked puzzled. "And how can you be sure, that Wolffang is still travelling with that vampire knight?"

"Well, my dear Flavia, I have eyes and ears in every town and city. And I also have an intuition, which says, that I'm right! So we'll go to city, find Wolffang and make her pay her debt!"

Monday, August 5, 2024

Night of the Werewolves (Part 1)


A wolfish howling was heard around the castle for miles away. It was full with anger, pain and desperation. An attentive listener could hear through it a swishing and twacking sounds and a females laugh, which surely sounded quite evil.

Pauline, a young looking pale skinned beauty with raven hair, laughed and clapped her hands, looking at all the furiously squirming and struggling of Vivian, a young she-werewolf, who was desperately howling and weeping, being tightly tied to a birching horse. Her whole body was covered with bushy grey fur, now very messy, but her buttocks and upper thighs were thoroughly shaved and now completely covered with very sore and painful welts. Vivian turned away from Pauline to not see her gleeful gaze and met her tearful eyes with her another torturer - Lestat, a tall well-build vampire with short blonde hair. He grinned at her and raised a bunch of birches again. Vivian wept bitterly. How could she being so foolish? Why did she ever made this night prowl all alone so close to Pauline's demesne? She even didn't trespass vampire's territory, but pale skinned bloodsuckers caught her without any warning and dragged here - into the dungeon. She tried to struggle, but they were five against one, so she ended being tight tightly...

Another stroke of the birches landed over Vivian's already very sore bottom.

"HOOOWL!!!! Why are doing this?! AWOOOO!!!!" Poor she-werewolf bawled in agony.

Pauline smirked.

"Should I, a vampire princess have a reason for beating the daylight out from a mindless beast like you?" she smiled widely, showing her needle-like fangs and nodded to Lestat. "Continue, my servant! We have the whole night and many more birches ahead! Let's call it a musical night!"

"With the great pleasure, your majesty!" he nodded and brought another burning stroke over Vivian's already completely striped buttocks, making her howl in agony.

Pauline's smile became even wider. She wanted to watch someone getting a harsh whipping for a very long time. And the Best part was that she could say herself, that this torture for a living being was not just to satisfy her darkest sadistic desire. No. This was a message and not just to local werewolves, but for all children of the night. Pretty clear and simple message - bend before her, the vampire princess of these lands, or prepare to pay for your recalcitrancy! The vampiress licked her lips, watching, how the she-werewolf screams and squirms kicking and biting air now after each stinging birching stroke landing over her bright red buttocks. This surely was wonderful sight! First she even thought to birch the she-werewolf herself, but being a princess, a nobility she couldn't got her hands dirty even by such an amusing job. But even watching Lestat's beautiful work was a great satisfaction. And she surely had no wish him to stop.

 When Vivian went hoarse from all her howling and bawling and was pretty sure, that she'll pass away from the pain, her torture suddenly finally stopped. Pauline came closer to her broken victim and touched her by the chin.

"Now listen to me closely, futile beast!" she looked closely into Vivan's tearful eyes. "Return to your pack and tell all the dirty mutts in my forest, that now you all are belong to me! Her majesty Pauline Drax! Do you understand me, doggie?" she chuckled.

Poor Vivian only nodded, weeping bitterly. The vampiress smirked. "No, no, no! Repeat, beast! Or maybe you want some more birching?" She laughed.

"No! Please, your majesty, no more!" poor wolf-girl pleaded "I will tell my pack, that we all now are your property..." she whimpered.

"Good!" Pauline turned to Lestat. "Throw this futile animal out from my castle, my servant!" she turned away and leaved the dungeon. Lestat laughed and untied poor Vivian before dragging her out and literally kicking away from the castle.

Limping and howling out loud, Vivian ran away from the castle. She was terrible humiliated and suffered from insufferable pain. But she also was too scared to stop even for a minute or two to sit down in snow and cool her terrible sore bottom off. She could only made a snowball and rolling it up and down, back and forth over her equally red, equally flaming buttocks all the way through the forest. She was almost feeling, how the snowball was melting from the heat from her terrible sore bottom. Vivan howled in unbearable pain all her way to her pack.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Best Choice

"Oh, nein! Please, Herr Morris! Not the cane!"

"Oh, I see you're quite familiar with British discipline, Miss Krüger? Good! In this case you should know, that the cane is always the Best choice to deal with a naughty German au pair girl like you!"


Monday, July 8, 2024

Double Trouble

The full moon's light fell on the old castle on the hill. In its rays Livonna's grey fur was looking almost gold. She sobbed and hugged weeping Ninel tightly. Redhead girl whimpered and hugged she-werewolf back.

"Those vile cultists and their damned paddles!" Livonna sobbed. "Does your bottom hurt very bad, my friend?" she gently rubbed Ninel's bright red bottom.

"Well, let's just say, I'd prefer to stay on my feet at least till down..." Ninel blushed a bit. "And you, Liv? Your howling was so plaintive!"

She-werewolf blushed. "Oh, don't worry, I hate to admit it, but because of my mistress Dame Athanasia I'm almost used to such a punishments... Almost... Ouch! These cultist know too well, how to make their punishments hurt really terrible!"

Both girls wept, hugging.

"Well, at least it looks like they haven't found out, that we are not their cult's neophytes." Ninel smiled through her tears. "And that means, we still have a chance to stop their ritual!"

"In this case we need to move! We don't have much time!" Livonna wept her tears.

Suddenly the earth quacked. Ninel and Livonna gulped in fear and turned to the window. A large cloud of purple smoke raised over the graveyard.

"Oh, Darkness! They did it! They summoned the Great Old One!" Livonna gasped in panic.

"Dank farrik! We lost..." Ninel whimpered.

"Maybe, we still have a little chance." Livonna sighed. "Maybe that book, which the high priest not to be described used for this ritual, also contains some spells or another ritual to banish this god or whatever it is back to it's damned demention?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure we need to try!" Ninel nodded.

The girls whimpered and hugged, thinking, how to turn the dark ritual back.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Blistered at the Bank

The bawling blonde, pleading for mercy, shouted, “I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY!”
   Gently tapping a wooden ruler on the blonde’s big bottom, currently the same shade as an Arizonan sunrise, her boss at the bank, a full figured redhead, with eyes as green as a Irish glade, replies icily, “Don’t apologize to me, Belinda, apologize to the man you were so rude to this morning.”
   “I’m sorry, Mr. Baxter, for being rude to you. Please ask Miss Williams to stop spanking me. I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll NEVER be disrespectful to you again. Or ANY other customer.”, Belinda said to the man watching her get her bare bottom blistered.
    Waiting for Mr. Baxter, a handsome dark haired man in his early forties, to reply, Miss Williams noticed the bulge straining to be released from his tight pants. He was clearly enjoying watching her burning up Belinda’s buns. GOOD! His company was her bank’s biggest client, with over a million dollars in his account. She would do anything to keep him happy.
   As much as he was enjoying the show, based on the shade of her bubble butt, he had to agree with Belinda, she was one well spanked girl. “I believe Belinda learned her lesson, Miss Williams. You can stop spanking her now.”
     “Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Baxter”, Belinda said, tears running down her cheeks, before flying off of Miss Williams’ lap. Once on her feet, Belinda began to hop from foot to foot, rubbing her red hot rear furiously.
     After trying in vain to rub out the fires consuming her beet red rear, Belinda turned towards Mr Baxter and said, “I mean it, Mr. Baxter. I know I deserved that spanking. I am truly sorry for being so rude to you. I’ve … been having a hard time lately. Today was really bad. But I shouldn’t had taken it out on you. Please forgive me.”
    Wiping the tears from Belinda’s big blue eyes, with his handkerchief, Mr. Baxter felt guilty, for enjoying watching the pixie faced German girl getting her ass tore up. “I’m .. sorry to hear that, Belinda. If you would like to talk about that, I get off of work today at five. I could drop by here then, and take you out to dinner. I know a exclusive restaurant I think you would love. They have the best steaks in town.”
    “Yes, I would love to have dinner with you.”, Belinda said smiling, even as she was still rubbing her steaming butt cheeks. “ I mean, IF I can sit down by five o’ clock.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Flea-bitten Loser

"AROOOOW!!!!" the howling accompanied by very loud slapping sounds could be heard all over the block. A few passers-by stopped to look around several times,trying to figure out, where are strange sounds coming from, but with no success most of them just shrugged their shoulders and moved on. Few of them understood, that a plaintive howl was coming right from an old pub, which had a very ambiguous reputation. There were rumours among the townsfolk that those pub was nothing more but a gangster den or something, but many people believed that usual customers there were not just a regular bandits, but supernatural creatures. And that was another reason not to try to eavesdrop, what is going on. Especially because announcement on the door was saying: "Tonight private party, admission strictly by invitation".

A tall and well-built young werewolf-woman was howling and bawling in pain, squirming and struggling over much littler vampire girl knee. The vampiress was holding her surprisingly strong by her tail, smacking her plump buttocks repeatedly by her strong hand.

"So, flea-bitten mutt, are you finally ready to tell me, who send you to my pub?" the vampiress asked, raising her hand for an another stroke. A bunch of nicely dressed vampires giggled, watching them. This she-wolf was quite bold in the beginning, after one of the waitress found out, that she is not a vampire as she tried to pretend. Trying to break out from the pub, she not just shifted in her wolf-form, but even crashed few stools, broke some bottles and ruined an old poster with an autograph of a forgotten jazz singer on it. But the bouncers got her, and the pub owner decided to teach an unwelcome guest a good lesson herself.

"OWIEEE!!!" the werewolfess wept bitterly, wagging her terrible sore bottom and kicking her long legs. "Please, just let me go! OW!!! OW!!!"

"Not before you'll tell me everything I wish to know!" the vampiress said, giving the she-werewolf few more very painful strokes, making her scream and struggle.

"Okay! OW!!! OUCH!!! Okay! I am not send by anyone! OWIEEE!!! I swear! OUCH!!!!" the she-werewolf kicked her legs furiously, squirming and wagging her terrible sore bottom, trying to make the stinging sensation in her well-spanked buttocks easy even a bit.

"Bullshit! Tell me the truth!" the vampiress gave her an especially painful stroke, making her bawl so loud, that all the glasses started cracking. "Oh, it looks like you're giving me one more reason to spank your fat ass right to bones! Tell me the truth finally, or I'll spank you into to next week!"

"OWIEEE!!!! But I'm telling the... EEEYOOOW!!!! I'm promise! I swear! I'm not lying! I came here by my own! I hoped, if I'll find out something interesting about these vampires plans, my alpha will promote me in the pack..." she broke in tears.

"Oh, how sweet! A flea-bitten loser tried to spy on us just hoping, that it will help her to promote in her pack of losers! I'm sorry, but it looks like you lose again! Okay, wolfie, I believe you. And the interrogation is over. But now I need to punish you for this mess in my pub!" the vampiress looked at her customers. "Ladies and gentlemen, how many strokes of this lovely silver paddle deserves this werewolf-bitch for all the damage she had done? And the first of all - any strokes I already gave her don't count!"

Flea-bitten Loser

"AROOOOW!!!!" the howling accompanied by very loud slapping sounds could be heard all over the block. A few passers-by stopped to look around several times,trying to figure out, where are strange sounds coming from, but with no success most of them just shrugged their shoulders and moved on. Few of them understood, that a plaintive howl was coming right from an old pub, which had a very ambiguous reputation. There were rumours among the townsfolk that those pub was nothing more but a gangster den or something, but many people believed that usual customers there were not just a regular bandits, but supernatural creatures. And that was another reason not to try to eavesdrop, what is going on. Especially because announcement on the door was saying: "Tonight private party, admission strictly by invitation".

A tall and well-built young werewolf-woman was howling and bawling in pain, squirming and struggling over much littler vampire girl knee. The vampiress was holding her surprisingly strong by her tail, smacking her plump buttocks repeatedly with a massive metal paddle, which was literally burning poor wolf-girl's fur and skin - it was made from the silver. The vampiress held the paddle by it's rubber handle, so the hallow metal herself.

"So, flea-bitten mutt, are you finally ready to tell me, who send you to my pub?" the vampiress asked, raising the paddle for an another stroke. A bunch of nicely dressed vampires giggled, watching them. This she-wolf was quite bold in the beginning, after one of the waitress found out, that she is not a vampire as she tried to pretend. Trying to break out from the pub, she not just shifted in her wolf-form, but even crashed few stools, broke some bottles and ruined an old poster with an autograph of a forgotten jazz singer on it. But the bouncers got her, and the pub owner decided to teach an unwelcome guest a good lesson herself.

"OWIEEE!!!" the werewolfess wept bitterly, wagging her terrible sore bottom and kicking her long legs. "Please, just let me go! OW!!! OW!!!"

"Not before you'll tell me everything I wish to know!" the vampiress said, giving the she-werewolf few more burning strokes, making her scream and struggle.

"Okay! OW!!! OUCH!!! Okay! I am not send by anyone! OWIEEE!!! I swear! OUCH!!!!" the she-werewolf kicked her legs furiously, squirming and wagging her terrible sore bottom, trying to make the stinging sensation in her well-spanked buttocks easy even a bit.

"Bullshit! Tell me the truth!" the vampiress gave her an especially painful stroke, making her bawl so loud, that all the glasses started cracking. "Oh, it looks like you're giving me one more reason to paddle your fat ass right to bones! Tell me the truth finally, or I'll spank you into to next week!"

"OWIEEE!!!! But I'm telling the... EEEYOOOW!!!! I'm promise! I swear! I'm not lying! I came here by my own! I hoped, if I'll find out something interesting about these vampires plans, my alpha will promote me in the pack..." she broke in tears.

"Oh, how sweet! A flea-bitten loser tried to spy on us just hoping, that it will help her to promote in her pack of losers! I'm sorry, but it looks like you lose again! Okay, wolfie, I believe you. And the interrogation is over. But now I need to punish you for this mess in my pub!" the vampiress looked at her customers. "Ladies and gentlemen, how many strokes of this lovely silver paddle deserves this werewolf-bitch for all the damage she had done? And the first of all - any strokes I already gave her don't count!"

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Puritan

The beach was beautiful today. Jacky lazily strolled along the sandy shores enjoying the oven breeze. She loved how the wind caressed her body. She was wearing a red bikini and was enjoying the warm weather. The beach was full of people swimming and laying in beach chairs tanning in the sun. Jacky had a good tan and was proud of it. She spent much of her time keeping her body tan and muscular. She enjoyed the way it made her figure look. She knew she caught men's eyes with her fit body. She actually enjoyed being in a bikini, putting on a show for the men on the beach. At 30, Jacky considered herself a full woman and not some young girl. She knew about men and hated to see young women who tried to act like they knew it all. She knew that most of these women didn't know their vagina from their ass when it came to sex. Jacky, on the other hand, had a great respect for sex and the whole social aspect of it. She absolutely hated hearing about two people meeting up in a bar and after a night full of whiskey shots, drunkenly fucking and never seeing each other ever again. That was just not what people should do. Jacky believed that people shouldn't just use their body like a tool. She believed her body was her most prized earthly possession and one should respect it and treat it well. This result in her athletic build and her attitude toward women who were absolutely sex crazed. She had seen several women on her trip today who had hit her as such. One was scantily dressed and bending over in front of a group of male onlookers. Another had went to a changing booth on the beach and hadn't pulled the curtain shut when changing into her bikini top. Jacky considered these sort of women sluts. She eventually made it to the end of the beach and saw a sight that infuriated her. There in a beach chair was a blonde girl who was topless, showing her large boobs off to the whole beach. Several teen boys were gawking at the sleeping beauty. Jacky noticed a book sitting in the woman's beach bag. It was a German to English dictionary. This young woman wasn't even American! This infuriated Jacky. This German was putting on a show and she knew it. Jacky approached the sleeping girl. The blonde awoke right as Jacky got in front of her. She stretched her arms and yawned, then she said:

"It's a beautiful day, is it not?"

The woman's German accent was strong. Jacky said:

 "Just what do you think you're doing , laying here with your breast hanging for everyone to see!"

The German girl giggles and said:

"This is a new bikini and the top was pinching into my nipples . I decided that I would just take it off." 

"You didn't consider the idea of people seeing you. The fact there is a bunch of teen guys watching you put on a show doesn't bother you?!?"

The German turned and saw a small group of boys down the beach watching her. They had been admiring her all day. They had even used their phones to take plenty of pictures of the German and her large breasts.
The German turned to Jacky and said:

"It does not matter to me. I enjoy the attention. Do you think they would come over and help spread some tanning lotion on my back?"

Jacky was tired of this. She could see the German girls tits were standing straight up. She was looking over at the boys and waved slightly. Jacky walked over to the German and pinched one of her nipples to get her attention. The girl screamed as she tried to swat Jacky's hand off of her. Jacky only grabbed her in a hold and threw her to the ground in front of her beach chair. This stunned the German and gave Jacky just enough time to get herself positioned in the beach chair.
She reached for the German girl at her feet and grabbed her legs. She pulled the German girl's red bikini bottom down as the German struggled. The boys across the beech were enjoying the show. Once Jacky had the girls bikini off , she saw the German girls flip flops laying in the sand. They were just what Jacky was looking for. She grabbed one of the flimsy blue plastic shoes approached the German girl who was trying to crawl away in the sand.

The German girl screamed and struggled when Jacky grabbed her. She brought the plastic flip flop flying down onto the German's bottom. It crashed down with a loud pop that left a red mark on the German girl's pale bottom. She screamed and fought to escape, but she was no match for Jacky. She did, however, struggle enough to cause Jacky's bikini top to slip down . This revealed her pert titties to all the boys who were now watching the spanking. Jacky only smiled when she heard one of them say:

"Damn ! That woman in the red is whooping ass! Literally!"

there were also some:

"Look at those tits !"


"Damn she's fine!"

thrown in there from other boys. Jacky tanned the German girls' bottom.

"I bet this isn't the type of tan you were expecting to get on the beach!"

Jacky told the German as she continued to bring the flip flop raining down on the Germans bottom. The German girl was angrily fighting and yelping as each hit rained down. Jacky decided to stop only when the girls bottom matched the red on Jacky's swimsuit. Once the German girl's bottom did match, Jacky looked up and saw most of the men from the beach were surrounding them. Jacky looked down at her handiwork.
"Stand up!"

Jacky ordered. She stood up and Jacky bent the German girl over and made her touch her knees. She took her hands and spread the girls bottom to fully display the girl's pussy and tight virgin asshole. The onlookers all stared and some took photos. The German girl turned and angrily looked back at the people who were admiring her feminine physique.

"Who wants to take over spanking her for me? My arm is tired."

Every man's hand shot up into the air. The German girl scowled at the men. Soon Jacky sat in the beach chair and watched the men all get in line to get a chance to spank the girl's bottom. The line consisted of men of various ages holding various implements. Some had belts some had flip flops, and one strong looking man had a boat paddle.  Jacky sat there enjoying the breeze and the sun as she listened to the cries of the German girl and the sounds of the various implements hitting her bottom. Apparently the men, likewise thought the German should be punished for being such a tease. It would seem everyone agreed a good old American spanking was just the punishment this German girl needed.