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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Immortal Vampire

Dame Athanasia stunned in shock, looking at the closed door.

"This is not good..." she whispered nervously. "This is not good."

"So, are we now a trio?" Wolffang asked carefully. "And what is our next step, milady?"

Dame Athanasia turned to her.

"What is our next step? Get over here!" she pulled Wolffang over her lap, baring her bottom.

"Whoops! But milady..." the orcess tried to protest, but her words drowned in a lament, when her mistress's hairbrush started repeatedly landing over her bottom, which was still sore after previous spanking.

"Listen carefully, useless wench!" the vampiress said in frighteningly calm voice. "Do you have any idea, what had you done? I'm sure, not!" she lectured whining orcess, accenting every word with a heavy smack of her solid wooden hairbrush over first green and now dark red buttocks. "Livonna is out. She is confused, angered, completely heart broken! She can make something stupid and pay a terrible price for that! And it is all just because of your stupid jealousy!" the brush landed over orcess's sore bottom especially hard, making her bawl loudly. "I told you not to ruin her love. But you disobeyed me! And you have enough arrogance to offer excuses! Shame on you!"

"OW!!! OUCH!!!! I am sorry milady! EEYOOOW!!!! I am sorry!" Wolffang wept and bawled bitterly, squirming and kicking over Dame Athanasia's lap. She never saw her this angry ever before.

When Wolffang's buttocks turned deep purple and fully covered with nasty bruises, Dame Athanasia finally stopped the punishment. She pushed crying orcess from her knee. Wolffang jumped up from the floor, hopping around in a brat war dance, clutching her terrible bruised buttocks. Dame Athanasia took her by the hand and dragged to the doorstep.

"And now you will go and find Livonna! And when you will find her, you will convince her return to me at any cost! Is that clear?" the vampiress asked.

"But she will eat me alive!" the orcess argued, rubbing her sore bottom. "Please, milady, have a mercy!"

"It is your fault, that she ran away, so it is you who should convince her to return! Go away and don't you dare to come back without Livonna!" Dame Athanasia gave Wolffang a hard kick, throwing her away in the street and closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry, milady, but why are you so worried about Livonna? You were always so strict with her, but now you're looking just like you lost your Best friend?" Kajira asked carefully.

Dame Athanasia sighed.

"It is a very long story, Kajira. It is a very long story." she shook her head. "Well, I guess you have right to know it. After all, if Wolffang won't come back just like Livonna, you will be my only friend. If I can call you a friend, my dear witch." the vampiress sat in front of the fireplace. "Come here, take a sit. It is a very long story. Long time ago I wasn't a vampire knight." Dame Athanasia sighed again. "I was nothing...


I was the youngest child in Morrisville family. The one, who could only hope for a successful marriage - my oldest sister was supposed to inherit our family mansion and an one half of the family capitals, our oldest brother - the other half of them, his younger brother became a knight. So, I had almost no prospects. But I hated the idea just to find a rich and high-ranking husband. I wanted to make myself a name by my own.

Since the old times were always fascinating me, I decided to learn archaeology. No sooner said than done. My teacher, Richard Croft, was a real genius without a doubt! His motto was "If you want to be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library!". We travelled a lot, looking for ancient tombs. It was a life, I was dreaming when I was a kid! Of course, it was not just like in an adventure novel, but much more exciting, than dinner parties and all those high society receptions, I was used to. But it also was very hard. And my teacher was very strict man.

Once I accidentally spilled a cup of coffee over a map of an ancient tomb we were looking for for quite a long time and finally found right that evening. Sir Richard was furious. He walloped me with his whip really hard. Yes, he had spanked me few times before, but he never did it that hard! I thought, he was gonna kill me with that whip! After the punishment he left me lying on a bench, weeping and sobbing, and focused on the ruined map, hoping to fix it. I tried to apology, but he pretended not to notice me. So I went away, hoping to find a way to get back into his good graces. So, I went into the crypt without a map or anything, but with only a lantern.


I was pretty sure, I'll just lost and die deep under earth, but instead of that I found the feretory we were looking for. A tomb of an ancient vampire prince! He was killed in his tomb and abandoned with all his cursed treasures centuries ago. And I was the first person, who stepped into his crypt so many years after his killers left it. This thought made my sore feeling after a whipping from Sir Richard easier a bit. I became proud of myself and decided to look at the skeleton closely. I tried to open his mouth and suddenly felt a sharp pain. I accidentally pricked my finger on his fang!

Of course, I never told Sir Richard about that accident. I only showed him the feretory. He was so happy that he not just forgave me for ruined map, but also apologised for the whipping he gave me. He was pretty sure, that our discovery will immortalise our names. And I was hoping, that one prick won't end badly. I was wrong.

It started with headaches under the sunlight. First I thought that those were just because of a hot of that place. The tomb we were exploring was in a desert. But then my skin started burning in a sunlight, making me hide all day long under the awning. And then came the hunger. Bloodlust. This is even worse than the fear beyond the sunlight. You can live in the shadows, but you can't stand this hunger. I tried. I tried my Best. I was hoping, that it will just drain my powers but nothing more. I was wrong. The worst thing in vampire being is a need in a fresh blood just to exist at all. The hunger made my body putrefy. I wasn't dying! I was dead already. And now I was need to drink a fresh blood just not to become a piece of rotten flesh.

I didn't have a much choice, so I decided to give up to this hunger. In our camp were only me and my teacher. So I drunk his blood. I didn't kill him. I just drunk as much, as I need to feed myself. I left him alive, but unconscious, took all the books about vampirism we had in the camp and left. You'll ask me, what happened to him, I guess. Well, he survived, but he also became a vampire. And few years later he found me. Since I turned him into a vampire, he couldn't really confront me. And since that time I was desperately trying to find a cure from vampirism, he actually won't. Instead, he suggested to help me. We spent a lot of time in our quests and we found a way to cure ourselves. But it is too difficult to complete it. And while we were searching for it, we also found out that vampirism has it's advantages. I am immortal, my wounds are healing much faster, I am stronger and more powerful than I was ever before. And with all my knowledge about supernatural I became an expert in such a questions. Me former teacher is now my archivist and majordomo, who runs my main mansion, while I'm travelling in my new quests.

But I guess, you're more interested about how I met Livonna..."

And while Dame Athanasia and Kajira were talking about the past, sitting in a warm room in front of a fireplace, and Wolffang was walking through the streets under the heavy rain, desperately searching for Livonna, the poor she-werewolf was still on the outer wood, howling bitterly and weeping about her ruined love. She was still in her full beast form.

"Careful, you fool! You don't want to get her attention!" a young elven woman whispered to her sidekick. "I bet my ass, this is not a regular wolf, but Livonna Grau herself! And if she is here, that means, that her mistress is somewhere nearby. And that means, that that greenskin bitch is also somewhere in this city! Excellent!"

"But mistress Van'Elle, why are you so sure, that this is that she-werewolf?" her companion asked puzzled. "And how can you be sure, that Wolffang is still travelling with that vampire knight?"

"Well, my dear Flavia, I have eyes and ears in every town and city. And I also have an intuition, which says, that I'm right! So we'll go to city, find Wolffang and make her pay her debt!"


  1. It's rare, and refeshing, to see someone put so much effort into a blog post, artwork and story as you do. Well done.

    1. It is the only way to tell a good story ;)

      Thanks! :)
