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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

British Cane on German Buttocks


Working as an au pair in a British mansion, Belinda quickly found out, that her haughtiness will bring her into a lot of troubles...


  1. Curating Chastisement - Tough Love on the Seat of Learning is a good investment.

    "A stinging bottom right now, will stop you getting into trouble when you are older, Miss Kruger"

    "Why, yes, that is exactly what I said to my daughter, Brenda, when she gotten the cane like this, back in yore.

    Yes, Miss Kruger - you will learn responsibility, accountability & consideration for others as a good, caring global citizen. This harmless but salutary lesson with the rod on the orthodox surface, is simply normal & necessary for your journey to success & happiness. It is simply learned chastisement for your behaviour transgressions.

    Miss Kruger, you will progress to be a talented polymath, a corporate wizard and an artistic genius with your own fabulous paintings, writing & curations.
    why, yes, Miss Kruger, Lessons are best learned SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! on a bare Po, with the family Rohrstock, young lady!"

    Strict Mommy Brenda xx
