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Thursday, July 8, 2021

An Exception

"AUTSCH!!! Mein Gott! AUA!!! Mein Popo! AUTSCH!!!"

"Hold still, Miss Krüger! As I said, I can make an exception for you, since you're a tourist, not a citizen, and replace a regular punishment for your crime with this caning, but if you'll behave yourself like this, I may change my mind! You, Germans, are so impatient with  traditional British discipline!"


  1. "Oh my! That nasty, terrible Rohrstock on mein sensitive, bare Po. Boo-Hoo!"

    "Why yes, for sure, young lady. Cane to bare botty - "daily bread" for the naughty German belle, Belinda Kruger. It is normal."

    Well, not actually daily, Belinda ha-ha! Just when you are a very naughty lil' girl, already. No worries, the cane on a bare botty sure whipped me into shape in 1960s/70s yore! It was normal.

    Thank you for all your continued great art & Blog, Belinda. Your passion & total genius has illuminated the darkness of the pandemic these past 18 months!
    Daily Bread for sure :-)
    Brenda xx

  2. Yes, I do apologise, Belinda. I've been meaning to comment on some fabulous stuff that you have done. Your wonderful art has not gone unnoticed :-)

    Oh my! This lovely drawing here of you & me (ha-ha!) made me realise that your behaviour has been naughty & outlandishly childish for far to long, Belinda, and that the cane needed to be fetched, & your panties pulled down for chastisement on the seat of learning. Y'all reminded that the best lessons are learned over a bare bottom, my girl!
    Strict Mommy Brenda xx

    1. AUTSCH!!!

      Well said :)

      Again, I'm glad, you're back :)
