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Saturday, April 4, 2020


...The wind betrayed Bess just like Livonna. It suddenly blew right from behind, so Sir Gisborn's horse smelled her own horse and snorted. Supposing, that the Sheriff of Redelwood would notice her anyway, Bess decided to came out from the woods, pretending like she was just making a horse ride through the wood. When Livonna just grasped, who was approaching, her heart beat became faster with a new hope. Even now, when Sir Gisborn noticed the vampiress, she still had the advantage. The Sheriff couldn't expecting an assault from a young countess. But Bess had no wish to risking. If she even knew, what a dishonor was the result of Livonna's ambush and assault, she would stab Sheriff without a second thought. But the vampiress didn't saw the she-werewolf's bloomer, so she was pretty sure, that Sir Gisborn overcame the beast, which cowardly ambushed him, in a straight fight. So Bess decided not to stretch her luck. Especially seeing such an example, what could happen to a presumptuous hussy.

"My regards, Sir Gisborn!" Bess smiled politely "Are you teaching a young poacher a lesson?" she decided not to show, that she knew Livonna. Sir Gisborn surely could not know, that these girls were knowing each other. Even while it was not a secret for anybody in the count Lannister's castle, after the new countess decided to teach her worst friend a good lesson, when Livonna showed no respect to her new dignity, and provoked count Lannister to order the impudent wench a public birching.

"My regards, milady!" the sheriff greeted the countess "Yes! These peasants just grow impudent! I recommend to his excellency to be more strict many times, you know milady!"

"His excellency believes, that the mercy can be stronger, then the whip." Bess quoted the count. Of course, it was just a hypocrisy. The count maintained a reputation as a merciful ruler, but that didn't mean, that his didn't care about trespassing and poaching. The vampire just loved to hunting people in the night and enjoyed, that the intruders even couldn't to cry for any help. "But if you'll ask for my opinion, Sir Gisborn, I don't think, that anyone could understand, what the mercy is, if you won't show them the severeness! Just look at this poacher. She won't forget the lesson you gave her for a while. But if you had just let her go, she surely would try her luck in the count's forest the tomorrow morning. A ninety seven wenches out of a hundred at every turn are deserving a good sound thrashing, and it won't be a big deal, if one of them will howl a few days, thinking about her behavior. And now, by your favor, I'd like to continue my promenade, Sir Gisborn. I was happy to see you!" and Bess waved hand and spurred her horse.

Livonna was hearing the conversation between her torturer and her worst friend in a silence. Just the bitter tears were running down her cheeks, which were burning from the anger and humiliation almost the same, then her thoroughly whipped backside...


  1. Oh my! A medieval masterpiece, Belinda. Compelling, already.
    A well-smacked bottom was part of chivalry...and survival :-)
    This is deep & involved, Belinda. Richly contextual. It's gotten legs for sure (and bums ha-ha) Oh my!
    Queen of the Realm, Baroness Brenda xx
