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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Borrowed Jewels

"And this necklace too! How many thing did you stole from me?!"

"I stole nothing! Em... I just borrowed them... well... without asking, yes. Sorry!"

"I'm not sure, should I believe you or not... Well, neighbor, since you agreed to take a spanking from me, instead I'm calling police, let's to begin! And when your thievish German ass will be all red and sore, I'll say, if I'll forgive you or not!"


  1. Her naughty, fairest- lush, German bottom, once exposed, was a beautiful gem of an ass. It's smooth, velvety, tender surface sure needed to be soundly spanked from opalescent white to ruby red. As a naughty girl's bare backside should be, already. And Oh my! It was !!
    Justice gotten served on the orthodox place divinely provided.
    Brenda xx

  2. what a delightful scene to imagine watching
    bottoms up
