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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Ultimate Argument


  1. I quite like Ma'am's outfit ;-)
    I was wondering, Belinda, do you have a connection to Endart, or maybe it is a friend of yours ?
    Hugs & thanks
    Strict Mommy Brenda xx

    1. Sadly, I just found some collections of his artworks in web long ago :( But I suppose Web-Ed, who owns Chicago Spanking Review site has a connection to him

  2. Thanks, Belinda.
    I'm not really an expert on sourcing information. I tend to just like what I see & then recognise artists over time.
    Your Blog is a revelation & of course a recent phenomenon :-)
    Y'all love the storytelling & rich textures that you create, Belinda. And you are very bespoke & strict with your comments ;-)
    Brenda xx
