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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Woe to the Vanquished


  1. Post War Solutions

    The Brat War Dance Apocalypse

    Sensational, Belinda.
    If Picasso or Dali had done spanking, this would be it!
    Brenda xx

    1. Well, I suppose in that case the drawings would be more surreal :D

  2. ha-ha :-)
    Some of your drawings are deliciously surreal, like this one.
    Others are where Naughty Lil' Miss Kruger just gotten a good, honest, strict, spartan, no-nonsense, sound, hard, knickers down, bare bottom spanking. Fair and square :-)
    Both styles are awesome!
    Strict Mommy Brenda xx

  3. Your masterpiece here is a similar counter-point to Picasso's Guernica, Belinda.
    Whereas Guernica is the zenith of darkness, devastation & evil; this is benevolent & uplifting chastisement in the realm of "just desserts". With humour, naturally :-)
    A well-spanked bottom does no harm.
    Thank you, Brenda xx
