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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Flirty Maid

"Well, mademoiselle Krüger, I guess, this will be enough for you. For now. Repeat my champagne, and then you may spent a few minutes in the pool. I don't doubt, all you want right now is to cool of your slutty German butt. And I warn you - if I'll see you flirting with the pool boy except from working another more time, I'll whip your slutty German butt hard enough, to make you unable to put on your panties until the end of the day!"


  1. Sore popo v pool boy v cooling bottom in water.
    These factors are not necessarily mutually exclusive, Belinda.
    Choices need to be Maid, sorry, made.
    Brenda xx

  2. Paula has wonderful art, and your storyline fits perfectly
    bottoms up
