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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Friendship of Long Standing

When her employer's guest gave her a playful slap, the German maid said all she was thinking about him in her Mothertongue. Unfortunately for her, the old British gentleman knew German and he translated her words to her employer, his long standing friend. Their friendship was very value for the Frenchwoman, so she decided to show her old friend, that nobody in her house could insult her important guests. Especially impudent young German maids...


  1. Oh dear Belinda. Poor German maid. She's gonna get the Rohrstock on her bare botty, just like she gotten from her mommy in days of yore. Oh the nostalgia !
    Brenda xx

  2. delightful idea. I officiated sports of different nationalities, and certain words definitely got a reaction from me that made the person apologize very very quickly.
    bottoms up
