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Sunday, July 5, 2020


"I expected more respect from a foreign employee. Especially from a German!"

"What do you mean, Herr Rogers? Mr. Rogers, sorry. Am I not punctual? Are my accounts wrong? Was my presentation bad?"

"You're very good worker, Miss Krüger, but I want you to learn to follow corporate culture! You should learn to say 'sir'!"


  1. The fabulous Miss Kruger

    Ol' Rogers is a real dinosaur. Miss Kruger is a super-hero.
    We must report Mr Herr Sir Rogers to HR at once & issue formal warnings, Belinda :-)

    I learned how to deal with men like Rogers during decades of corporate life in Atlanta & beyond, Belinda. Survival bias.
    Thank the Lord these dinosaurs were in a minority :-)
    Brenda xx
