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Thursday, July 16, 2020

French Lesson

"Mademoiselle Krüger, how could you ever mix up letters to our respected patron and to our debtors?"

"AU!!! I am sorry! AU!!! I have some... AU!!! ...difficulties with... AU!!! ...French surnames! AUA!!!"

"Ah d'accord! You have difficulties with French surnames! Well, in this case we will continue this, until you'll know them all by rote!"

"AUTSCH!!! Mein Popo! AUA!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Zut Alors!! Mes fesses!!
    Mein...CUL NU :-)
    Oh my! What a lovely, soft pouty-botty-po framed in canary yellow, Belinda ;-)
    Strict Mommy Brenda xx
