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Friday, July 10, 2020

Preventing a Misalliance

"Nothing personal, Miss Krüger, but you're surely not a pair to my son! And I hope, you're understand, that it's better for you to agree, very soon!"


  1. Virus lockdown ? No problem !

    I love both these women. Yes, I am very strict & kind, Belinda :-)
    Madame has a purposeful look & a hard hand of guidance, which I more than admire!

    But when I am naughty or wayward myself, my head space needs correction via stern, Ol' fashioned chastisement on a bare backside! That is how I gotten raised. I love this scene. Miss Kruger's current position has benefits for spirituality, containment & discipline...and for brattitude, already. A well tanned botty sure resets the boundaries for y'all!!!
    Brenda xx
